The high cost of manufacturing in Australia, along with a more regulated environment, meant the decision to close the Cadbury factory in Dunedin went against international trends.
Spark's financial results for the six months ended December demonstrated it had been another period of change and progress, chairman Mark Verbiest said yesterday.
After years of speculation and concern, the Cadbury factory in Dunedin will finally close next year, leaving about 350 people facing an uncertain future.
The ASB reported an interim profit up 11% on the previous period, reflecting diversified balance sheet asset growth, chief executive Barbara Chapman said yesterday.
The Otago-Southland Employers Association is continuing its campaign against proposed changes to electricity transmission costs which it says will disadvantage the South Island.
Trustpower, which separated into two separate companies last year, continued to grow the number of customers taking two or more services in the nine months to December 31.
Better operating earnings and fewer impairments from the previous corresponding period allowed Contact Energy to turn a loss last year into a profit for the six months ended December.
High occupancy rates in Queenstown mean it can be lucrative to rent out property on a short-term basis, Deloitte Dunedin and Queenstown tax partner Phil Stevenson says.
Building consents have reached their highest level in New Zealand since 2004 but warnings are being sounded about the industry needing to readdress the way it considers skills training to meet future demand.
The Reserve Bank maintained the official cash rate at 1.75% with the tone of governor Graeme Wheeler’s statement as cautious as it could possibly be, ANZ chief economist Cameron Bagrie said yesterday.
An increase in online banking by Credit Union South members is likely to lead to four branch closures, a consolidation of some branches and the loss of up to 18 jobs.
Higher tobacco and cigarette prices made the large contribution to the ANZ Monthly Inflation Gauge last month, something which has come to be accepted as typical in January.
The Reserve Bank is not expected to change its official cash rate on Thursday, although governor Graeme Wheeler is expected to strike a cautious and neutral tone in his statement.
United States President Donald Trump dominated the headlines last month and his first major press conference, inauguration speech and Wall Street Journal interview were all triggers for a broad US...