Two likely Labour Party coalition partners might force a rethink of how Finance Minister Michael Cullen views the money being accumulated by the New Zealand Superannuation Fund.
Prime Minister Helen Clark yesterday ended speculation that Labour would keep releasing big spending election promises and turned the debate back to her slogans of trust and leadership.
The Maori Party continues to push its claim for a cabinet place in the next government, releasing yesterday a policy priorities paper that showed it could work with both National or Labour.
Leaders of the six minor parties in Parliament last night auditioned for a job after the next election, but the surprise for voters would have been the closeness of the parties on many issues.
Labour Day in Wellington proved to be one right out of the box.
Grant Robertson (36) could not have a more central campaign headquarters for Wellington Central if he tried.
There was little surprise in Wellington yesterday when National Party leader John Key and United Future leader Peter Dunne shook hands and agreed to do a deal after the election.
Memo to the MPs and those wanting to become MPs: Forget about the fancy frills around campaigning and get to areas like the Hutt Valley and tell people how you are going to save their jobs.
One of the best things about being on the road during an election campaign is being able to approach total strangers and ask them questions about things they might be thinking about as voting day approaches.
A proposal to float government-owned Kiwibank on the sharemarket has received lukewarm approval by sharebrokers, while left wing politicians have poured scorn on the idea.
There is a distinctly different feel in the capital now the election campaign is under way.
The ODT moves to the North Island today with a focus on talking to voters about their concerns leading up to the election.
It is time for a reality check on the election campaign.
A party on Saturday night to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of some friends gave a good opportunity to test the water about the election in an atmosphere not clouded by political rhetoric.
The ground has started to subtly change around the election campaign and National is the beneficiary.
A Labour-led government would continue to invest in innovation through Fast Forward and a 15% tax credit for research and development, Research, Science and Technology Minister Pete Hodgson said yesterday.
The Government could be pushed to extend its bank deposit scheme to cover interbank lending, something the Australian Government has already done and something the business sector is calling for.
Possible coalition alignments for the next government are starting to emerge after the Green Party rejected National and opted for Labour as a possible future partner in government.
You know the election is serious when a cabinet minister, albeit one who has been stood down from his portfolio responsibilities, starts quoting cartoon characters in election speeches.
The Government was in denial about the dangers posed to the economy as it kept announcing more big spending promises, National Party leader John Key said yesterday.