Telecom Retail, effectively the Telecom brand, is understood to be planning a major brand relaunch before Christmas, Craigs Investment Partners broker Chris Timms says.
New offers by Telecom, Vodafone and 2 Degrees for mobile termination rates represented major progress, Telecommunications Users Association chief executive Ernie Newman said yesterday.
Listed property investments are coming back into favour with the latest results from the NZX property gross index likely to fuel investor sentiment.
The strong expansion in New Zealand's local government sector looks to be over, according to BNZ Capital senior economist Craig Ebert.
Listed fast food chain Restaurant Brands had the best-performed share price in September in a month that Forsyth Barr broker Peter Young described as "very pleasing".
The Government this week announced its coverage and funding plan for rural telecommunications.
Financial markets are becoming more confident that troubled South Canterbury Finance will survive its latest disappointing results, but much hard work lies ahead.
Telecom chairman Wayne Boyd came to the defence of chief executive Paul Reynolds at the annual meeting yesterday of New Zealand's largest listed company.
New Zealand's ugly current account deficit is set for a makeover through the rest of this year, Westpac chief economist Brendan O'Donovan says.
Investors are again starting to show an appetite for risk as the global economy improves, but they are more aware of protecting their capital, New Zealand Assets Management principal Richard Riddell says.
The Government's message to Telecom in its $1.5 billion broadband project announcement was "my way or the highway", Craigs Investment Partners broker Chris Timms said yesterday.
The Government yesterday ushered in the biggest and most fundamental change to telecommunications in New Zealand since the privatisation of Telecom 20 years ago.
Telstra must act quickly to avoid the Australian Government forcing it to structurally separate, Craigs Investment Partners broker Chris Timms said yesterday.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of the most prestigious firms on Wall Street, a year ago changed the face of global finance, Craigs Investment Partners broker Peter McIntyre said yesterday.
After swapping the London rat race for Macandrew Bay, an English IT specialist tells business editor Dene Mackenzie life is good.
It was important to note that the Government's $300 million rural broadband upgrade was a political project, Australian telecommunications commentator Paul Budde said yesterday.
The Warehouse Group rewarded shareholders for their loyalty yesterday by declaring a special 10c per share dividend when the Red Shed operator reported its annual profit.
The Reserve Bank gave its tacit approval for the dollar and interest rates to start moving modestly higher with its decision to keep the official cash rate at a low of 2.5%.
Apple yesterday released a new iPod, adding a video camera, microphone and speaker to its popular music player.
Briscoe Group shares yesterday reached a 12-month high of $1.20, after the company reported a profit of $6.5 million for the six months ended July 26.