The campaign for Dunedin engineering firms to gain some of the nearly $400 million KiwiRail plans spending on new rolling stock begins in earnest on Monday with the release of an economic report.
The Reserve Bank held off increasing its official cash rate yesterday, bringing good news for investors but bad news for homeowners needing to refinance fixed-term mortgages in the future.
The transparency provided by improved KiwiSaver regulations would be welcomed in the savings industry, Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver specialist Damian Foster said yesterday.
A "super-regulator" will be introduced to oversee New Zealand's financial markets, Commerce Minister Simon Power has announced.
The Reserve Bank yesterday held its official cash rate at 2.5%, surprising no-one in the market.
A further financial crisis in Greece yesterday caused chaos on world financial markets after credit rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Greek bonds to junk status.
Parked in the Edgar Stadium car park and being buffeted by strong winds and rain, the Plan-b mobile workspace and technology van looked right at home.
Financial services advisers are warning that fees charged to clients will have to increase as commissions are scrapped voluntarily.
Economists are uncharacteristically united in believing the Reserve Bank will on Thursday hold its official cash rate at 2.5%.
New Zealanders appear to be resisting discounted retail goods and extended time-payment periods, instead focusing on repaying debt.
Proposed Government reforms to New Zealand's electricity sector are likely to have significant business and financial implications for generation-retailers, rating agency Standard and Poor's says.
Allied Farmers shares rose in value yesterday after the company announced it had made a net $3.4 million in cash by selling property in Queenstown and Australia.
John Mayall cuts through the pretensions of much of modern-day music.
The Government needed to take much more interest in companies axing jobs in New Zealand in favour of lower labour costs offshore, Labour Party communications spokeswoman Clare Curran says.
AXA Asia Pacific share values are tipped to fall now the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has decided to oppose National Australia Bank's takeover plans for AXA AP.
Air New Zealand is still rated as a "buy" by sharebrokers, despite the national carrier burning $500,000 in cash a day through European air space being closed due to ash from the Icelandic volcano.
Fallout from fraud charges levelled against Goldman Sachs Group will be felt around the world with financial markets already starting to be affected as investor sentiment sours.
New Zealand's services sector has sprung back into life, with property and business services experiencing a significant lift in March to lead activity on the BNZ-Business New Zealand performance of services index.
Higher food and petrol prices, and housing costs, are likely to have pushed inflation to 2.2% in the three months ended March, stronger than previously forecast by the Reserve Bank.
Telecom yesterday received some well-timed support from one of its harshest critics as it comes to terms with profit downgrades, redundancies and the possibility of splitting itself further to meet Government requirements.