Labour Te Tai Tonga candidate Rino Tirikatene (38) is a big man but he has some big shoes to fill in a family steeped in politics.
National intends clamping down harder on beneficiaries who are defrauding the system or who avoid job interviews when they are asked to take a drugs test.
Both Prime Minister John Key and Labour leader Phil Goff were campaigning in Wellington yesterday as the campaign enters its final two weeks.
Labour moved yesterday to strengthen its ties with the union movement by releasing its work and wages policy which has an emphasis on returning wage negotiation strength back to the workers.
Forcing government agencies to use open software will save money inside government and provide a competitive advantage for New Zealand businesses, Labour communications and IT spokeswoman Clare Curran says.
The Government will have to start providing better front people for the election campaign if it wants to make traction with Dunedin's business audiences.
It must be an election campaign when you walk into a crowded dining room at the Canterbury Jockey Club on Saturday and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters catches your eye with a hearty wave.
Ryman Healthcare has put a "relatively low-risk toe in the water" in Australia with the purchase of its first site in Victoria, Forsyth Barr broker Suzanne Kinnaird says.
Act New Zealand finally launched its election campaign yesterday after it became clear last week why the party was waiting until the last minute.
A cup of tea in Epsom certainly seemed a long way from the deserted streets of Redcliffs and Sumner yesterday as a cold easterly lifted the dust off the footpath and swirled it around my feet.
Touring through North Canterbury, the area where I was born and went to primary school and where my mother still lives, was a journey tinged with sadness and some frustration.
The heart of Christchurch has been restarted and there are high hopes the new Cashel St "container shopping precinct" will be the boost the central city needs as recovery continues after the earthquakes.
A concern that a change of government on November 26 could slow down the rebuilding of Christchurch after the devastating earthquakes is likely to see National secure a significant swing in the party vote in the city's electorates.
The Greens and National are moving closer on KiwiSaver, with Prime Minister John Key saying yesterday the Government was keen to look at how it can combat high KiwiSaver fees.
The Green Party is leading the policy debate so far in the election campaign, and could play a starring role in the formation of the next government if its polling continues to rise.
The election campaign is about halfway through with policy announcements flooding our letter boxes and in-boxes. Political editor Dene Mackenzie sat down with retiring Labour Party MP Pete Hodgson to talk campaign strategies.
For a politician who has shown he has more lives than a cat when it comes to surviving elections and changes of Government, United Future leader Peter Dunne showed an uncharacteristic judgement lapse yesterday.
Labour leader Phil Goff turned on Prime Minister John Key yesterday as the campaign lifted in intensity.
Two influential business confidence surveys out yesterday did not provide cause for celebration, although investors seemed slightly more confident than they were at the end of June.
The spat over whether state-owed energy assets should be sold and what value they would bring if partially sold and listed on the NZX continued yesterday with Labour finance spokesman David Cunliffe taking the lead.