The international financial crisis, and the sort of debates that have gained worldwide attention since the Occupy movement started gathering headlines recently, will be the subject of a public debate at the St Paul's Cathedral in Dunedin tomorrow.
The Auckland company director brought in to take control of the Dunedin City Council's group of companies following the sacking of the board of directors says it will be next year before concrete decisions are made on the companies' restructure.
The 10 minutes following storyteller Jay O'Callahan's performance of Forged in the Stars told far more about its success last night than the length or intensity of the applause it garnered, and there was no lack of applause.
The company that runs the Forsyth Barr Stadium says there is no reason to be concerned about sound quality at the facility, views backed up by a Dunedin city councillor with experience in stadium sound systems.
Every now and then, from deep within the stagnant filth that is the very bottom of the television barrel, comes a show sent as a gift to those who love to be righteously outraged.
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull said today he would not rule out the use of private security guards to evict the Occupy Dunedin protesters, as the city council looks for "urgent clarification" on its legal position.
The Dunedin City Council has sacked the entire board of the city's holdings company, and brought in Auckland-based Denham Shale to institute a major restructure of the council's group of companies.
The Dunedin City Council has sacked the board of the city's holdings company as Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull acted swiftly yesterday to implement moves ratified by the council the previous day.
South Dunedin put on a hero's welcome for Phil Goff yesterday, with standing ovations and regular choruses of approval for his pronouncements.
Unexpected bills are the toughest to deal with for a young family struggling to get by on an apprentice baker's wage.
Thousands of Dunedin people have been urged to get involved in a process that could result in changes to planning rules for their neighbourhoods.
The death of a dolphin in a set net has devastated a fisherman and disappointed the Department of Conservation (Doc), but provided a rare research opportunity for a marine ecologist.
The first attempt at what its proponents say is an example of "real democracy" developed into a small and sometimes passionate discussion in the Octagon yesterday.
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull said yesterday he would not rule out using private security guards to evict the Occupy Dunedin protesters, as the city council waited for "urgent clarification" on its legal position.
The group opposing a new charge on developers in Dunedin wheeled out its big guns yesterday, with a parade of lawyers, valuers, tax specialists, planners and builders to argue against the charge from every possible angle.
The Dunedin City Council will sit on November 22 to consider what Mayor Dave Cull said was a complex issue - a charge on developers opponents say could kill development in Dunedin.
This is what I have always thought about Americans: When the camera and the microphone are put away, they start talking like everybody else.
The finer points of the legal argument against a proposed new Dunedin City Council charge on developers began to emerge yesterday, the second day of hearings on the draft development contributions policy.
Large rose-coloured windows that have been covered for years may soon flood the Dunedin Town Hall with light, as the Dunedin Centre and town hall redevelopment progresses.
The grass is cut, the hedges trimmed, and the burial plots neatly numbered at Dunedin's newest cemetery.