Drama-thriller series Mr Robot had been bubbling away recently as the topic of morning conversation among the cool kids in the Otago Daily Times newsroom.
Public toilets have been promised at Dunedin’s steepest street, but they will be portable facilities and will not be in place for the first cruise ship of the season.
Dunedin mayoral candidates got to experience life in a wheelchair yesterday, and immediately discovered difficult cambers, bus limitations and the problem of negotiating crowds.
There were halting speeches where emotion caught in the throat and memories that went back more than 30 years as five councillors gave their valedictory speeches at the Dunedin City Council yesterday.
There is precisely one week to go until the last day of voting in Dunedin’s local government elections. David Loughrey looks back on the election period so far and considers what attitude one...
What was described as "a colossal electrical storm" hit the Millers Flat, Ettrick and Roxburgh areas last night, causing flooding and closing the state highway.