A long-awaited realignment of State Highway 1 at Waitati is set to start early next year, and measures including car pooling and bus bays appear to have allayed the concerns of the local community.
Alison Cunningham was planning an early night last night.
After a taxing decade of debate, plans for an upgrade of Riccarton Rd, in East Taieri, Dunedin, are going back to review, leaving residents opposed to the project frustrated and wary of what might happen next.
A plan to develop Dunedin as a national centre for training technology teachers received $72,000 of Dunedin City Council money yesterday, with a total of $262,700 granted to four projects under the council's industry project fund.
A plan to demolish part of the former art gallery at Logan Park, in Dunedin, to make way for the expansion of the University Oval has received no opposition as the resource consent process begins.
Supermarket operator Progressive Enterprises has appealed a resource consent decision against its plan to build a supermarket in South Dunedin and the issue is now headed for the Environment Court.
Dunedin voters will again find candidates' names listed alphabetically in this year's city council elections.
A last-ditch bid to impose a "sinking lid" policy on Dunedin's gaming machines was unsuccessful yesterday, with a nine-to-five vote defeating the move.
It is disturbing that in modern-day Dunedin - post-Reformation, post-Renaissance, following the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment, and even the great vowel shift that shook the pronunciation of the English language to its core from 1450 to 1750 - some people are still unaware a new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm is well under way on TV2.
Two council reports prepared for a resource consent hearing later this month have recommended Hope and Sons' proposed cremator near Andersons Bay Rd, Dunedin, go ahead, despite the strong opposition of neighbours.
On 12ha of rolling hills off Blackhead Rd, Dunedin's newest cemetery has room for more than 10,000 burial plots, and is expected to serve the city's needs for the next 70 years.
Dunedin will retain a policy that has seen gambling machines decrease in number in the past few years, despite arguments for a "sinking-lid" policy proponents say could help further minimise the harm the machines cause.
The long and controversial debate over the realignment of Lovelock Ave, in Dunedin, effectively ended yesterday, with a knife-edge vote ensuring the project proceeds.
The Dunedin City Council has upped its efforts to recover court costs from Stop the Stadium, initiating legal proceedings to recover an $11,060 debt, or force the organisation into liquidation.
A plan to build a cremator by Andersons Bay Rd, in Dunedin, has attracted strong opposition ahead of a resource consent hearing later this month.
The former chief post office in Dunedin's Exchange has been bought by an Invercargill businessman for yet another attempt at a hotel development.
Plan for the future of Dunedin Public Library will have to go back to the drawing board, after the announcement yesterday the former chief post office in the Exchange had been sold for a hotel development.
There is a moment in George Lucas' fantastic dystopian science fiction outing THX 1138 that is far too excellent to make it into the director's later films, Star Wars, American Graffiti or Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Steel roofing trusses weighing about 100 tonnes each have been lifted into place at the Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin, and the lift of a massive 700-tonne main truss may go ahead in the next couple of weeks.
Allegations which surfaced last year about an unhealthy management culture at the Otago Museum resurfaced at the annual plan hearings yesterday, when a city councillor accused museum chief executive Shimrath Paul of having his "head in the sand" on the issue.