Health services at Oamaru Hospital will be significantly downgraded if the Southern District Health Board cuts its funding by 5%.
North Otago Hockey will soon have its own building at its artificial turf at Centennial Park, but needs $20,000 from the Waitaki District Council to complete it.
Tries for a land-based competition to replace the offshore Moeraki fishing contest have well exceeded the expectations of two Lions clubs organising it.
Farmers slow in paying their share instalments are putting a new $375 million irrigation scheme in the Waimate district in jeopardy.
Peebles women Carol Gibson (left) and Adrienne Borrie display corrugated iron poppies recognising the 10 soldiers from the lower Waitaki Plains who lost their lives in World War 1.
An old boy of Waitaki Boys' High School wants to see its Hall of Memories, built to honour pupils who served in World War 1, used during Anzac ceremonies.
Privatisation by leasing out Waitaki lakes camp sites will probably be deferred at least two years while the Waitaki District Council continues to manage them and get more revenue.
Preliminary reopening of the historic Nicol's Blacksmith Shop at Duntroon is being planned after a nine-year project leading to its restoration.
Laughter really is the best medicine - and a two-day workshop in Oamaru next month will prove it.
Oamaru artist Donna Demente with the ''share certificate'' she has designed to be sold to raise money to protect Waitaki River flows.
Waihao Downs School pupils hold individual poppies they made and gather around the large one which will be part of a Poppy Day parade in Waimate on April 17.
A 10,000ha expansion to a North Otago irrigation scheme, estimated to cost about $52 million, is on track for water to be delivered in September next year.
Management of the Waitaki Lakes camping reserves for the next three years will stay with the Waitaki District Council, giving staff time to see if they can be made more financially viable.
Anzac service organisers in the Waitaki district are being encouraged by Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher to ''use Australian elements as much as possible'' this year.
Pressure of a deadline has resulted in the Waitaki District Council approving a pipeline from Oamaru to deliver water to the Herbert, Hampden, Moeraki and surrounding communities that will meet drinking water standards.
"Have a bit of backbone and say no to the Government,'' Oamaru resident the Rev Bernard Wilkinson told the Waitaki District Council yesterday, calling for a ban on the sale of legal highs in the district.
Children and teenagers posing in costumes they will wear for a youth production by the Waimate Theatre Group, are (from left) Peter Fish (12), Catherine Nichol (13), Kate Lapthorn (8), Margaret Nichol (11), Jonathan Fish (11), Duncan Peterson (10), Anna Peterson (12), Edward Fish (14), Abi Lapthorn (11) and Ella Lapthorn (11) .
A company behind a new irrigation scheme for Waimate is confident of getting ''significant support'' for the second part of a share issue which closes today.
Beryl Aker and her dog Peebles are both cancer survivors and on Saturday they launched the Oamaru Relay for Life, cutting the ribbon and walking the first lap.
A crowd of about 100 gathered for the annual Glenavy Salmon Run on the Waikakahi Stream on Saturday.