An animal effluent spill near the Frankton Golf Course left a large stain beside State Highway 6 yesterday.
Queenstown police have been busy dealing with traffic incidents this week.
Changes to the alcohol legislation have affected an application by a Queenstown bar for a new on-licence.
Tomorrow's entrepreneurs are organising their business ideas of today and the ideas will become a reality at St Joseph's School's major fundraiser - the annual book sale.
The number of work visa applications received by Immigration New Zealand's Queenstown office has risen steadily since 2012 and this year is no exception.
The mood of the nation is considerably different now compared with five years ago, ANZ chief economist Cameron Bagrie told the Queenstown Chamber of Commerce breakfast yesterday.
After completing skydives, more and more visitors to Queenstown are taking away a fiancee with their souvenir photos.
Masterchef finalists Jaimie Stodler and Bec Stanley, from Arrowtown, were last night proud of their achievements as the competition finale aired on television, revealing the pair had finished second to sisters Kasey and Karena Bird, from Maketu, Bay of Plenty.
Rivals of Queenstown's Southern Stampede ice hockey team be warned: this year ''a fresh approach'' will be taken.
They see the happiest moments and are also there for the most risky, but Queenstown midwife Ann Mackay said most people ''do not think about'' the role of a midwife until they need one.
Wakatipu's fingers were prised off the White Horse Cup in Queenstown on Saturday and the cup left the field firmly in Arrowtown hands.
Ryan Strayer has heard stories of the flaming rivalry between Queenstown's Southern Stampede and Christchurch's Red Devils.
Five hundred copies of Katie Scott's parents' marriage certificate were used to make a wedding dress which Katie wore on top of another garment - featuring the subsequent divorce certificate.
''It's those wee things'' which make the Arrowtown Autumn Festival so successful, committee chairman Lex Perkins said of the event which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year and finished for another autumn yesterday.
A 16-year-old Wanaka teenager who became separated from his hunting party spent Wednesday night in the bush near the Routeburn Track, having been lowered survival gear by a rescue helicopter to make the night more comfortable.
How well nails have been put in, how well doors have been hung and the quality of the paintwork were scrutinised in five Queenstown homes this week.
Anzac commemorations in the Wakatipu began with the second consecutive dawn service at the Queenstown Memorial Gates - where people stood to remember the fallen and those who returned from wars.
A Queenstown Bay skipper is asking the drunks who unlawfully board his luxury boat an estimated four times a week to remember the boat is not their property.
Golfers played on as a large scrub fire raged out of control behind them yesterday afternoon at Jacks Point, near Queenstown.
A manual slicer is just one piece of evidence for a fondness of ''how things used to be made''.