The profile of the Forsyth Barr Stadium became apparent yesterday as the first of five roof trusses was lifted into place.
Work to fit giant steel roof trusses to the Forsyth Barr Stadium is months behind schedule, but Carisbrook Stadium Trust (CST) chairman Malcolm Farry insists the setback is not critical.
Angry members of the public are calling for belt-tightening within the Dunedin City Council to control millions of dollars of spending on ratepayer-funded credit cards.
Costs are rising and deadlines slipping as the Dunedin City Council continues work on the stage two upgrade of the Tahuna wastewater treatment plant.
Dunedin City Council chief executive Jim Harland was told nearly two years ago council staff were holding too many meetings in city cafes, but nothing appears to have changed, a city councillor says.
The Otago Rugby Football Union is close to completing a series of changes aimed at satisfying its new landlord, the Dunedin City Council.
Southern market gardeners are among those suffering under the weight of crippling mark-ups on fruit and vegetables by New Zealand's supermarket giants, growers say.
Carisbrook would be retained as the home for sports fields in South Dunedin and Bathgate Park developed for new affordable social housing under a proposal floated at a meeting in Dunedin last night.
More ideas for the future of Carisbrook are rolling in, but the Southern Rugby Football Club hopes housing on Bathgate Park is not an option.
The need to adapt Dunedin's coastline to climate change will be discussed at a workshop in Dunedin next month.
Dunedin school pupils Josh Tindley and Kahu Flavell reckoned young voices were being drowned out as adults argued over John Wilson Ocean Dr.
The Dunedin City Council's hearings committee faces a difficult decision, after passionate arguments on both sides about the future use of John Wilson Ocean Dr, committee chairman Cr Colin Weatherall says.
Permanently banning cars from Dunedin's scenic John Wilson Ocean Dr could lead to a new coastal pathway stretching from Brighton to Taiaroa Head, a Dunedin City Council hearings committee has heard.
The long-running debate over the future of the scenic John Wilson Ocean Dr in Dunedin will resume at a two-day public hearing starting in Dunedin today.
Hilary Calvert - the Dunedin woman next in line to succeed Act New Zealand MP Heather Roy should she quit Parliament - is in Wellington and plans to meet party MPs today.
Private-sector funding for the Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin continues to climb, with another $2.4 million raised through the sale of lounge memberships in less than four months.
Dunedin City Council staff are remaining tight-lipped about efforts to resolve a six-year dispute between neighbours at Seaview Tce, Dunedin.
Dunedin's vulnerability to peak oil - the point at which global oil production is reached and begins to decline - is to be studied by a visiting Christchurch academic over the next week.
Members of Dunedin's Indian community turned out in force yesterday to mark India's Independence Day, while urging the younger generation not to forget their mother country's struggles.
Tina Turner was there, and so, too, was a Scottish cowboy and a tap-dancing tot strutting her stuff to a Tom Jones classic.