Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull will consult the families of victims of fatal shark attacks off the Dunedin coast in the 1960s and 1970s, before it is decided if a memorial plaque is appropriate.
The Dunedin City Council will have to come up with a name if it wants a scenic drive through coastal areas north of Dunedin.
A new $110,000 marketing campaign promoting active lifestyles in Dunedin has the support of the Dunedin City Council, even if it prompted some councillors to break out in a nervous sweat yesterday.
An identity crisis of sorts in Dunedin could soon be resolved.
Police were packing extra firepower as they cruised Dunedin streets over the weekend armed with one mayor and two city councillors.
Results of a review that could lead to Dunedin's Moana Pool being upgraded, or even a pool added to Forsyth Barr Stadium, are drawing closer.
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull is defending attempts to sell struggling Dunedin City Council-owned bus company Citibus, despite criticism the move will rob ratepayers of a public asset.
The Dunedin City Council is likely to seek a nine-month extension to a consent condition allowing chlorination at its Tahuna wastewater plant, because of delays completing the Tahuna upgrade.
Attemps to sell the struggling Dunedin City Council-owned company Citibus have finally been confirmed, and a condition of any sale could secure the future of drivers.
Car dealers say ending the Dunedin City Council's policy of buying vehicles in Dunedin will not achieve savings but could threaten jobs.
Drivers at Dunedin City Council-owned bus company Citibus are in "limbo", waiting to learn if their jobs will go and if the company will be sold, but their fate could become clearer later...
The sale of underperforming Dunedin City Council company Citibus Ltd - which has lost $800,000 in the past two years - has been revealed as the topic of last week's controversial non-public council meeting.
Quarrying rights on Dunedin's Saddle Hill will be decided by the Environment Court later this year.
Plans to extend the Otago Harbour cycleway to Port Chalmers by 2015 have been greeted with a mixture of delight and scepticism by the Chalmers Community Board.
Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin will be on show to the world at an international gathering of stadium representatives in the United States next week.
Students may be asked to hit Dunedin streets with brush and shovel more often, because of the success of a cleanup operation after last month's Hyde St keg party.
Funding of $1.3 million has been confirmed by the New Zealand Transport Agency for the next stage of the Otago Harbour cycleway to Port Chalmers.
Mosgiel businessman Trevor Ferguson says Dunedin City Council support for businesses is "tremendous" - and he has the new manufacturing plant and extra staff to prove it.
The Dunedin City Council is singing the praises of its business support programme, which is being credited with helping to create more than 400 jobs and generate $44 million in sales for Dunedin companies.
Southern councils, including the Dunedin City Council, are to investigate new ways of amalgamating services to save money, as well as speaking with one voice when dealing with the Government.