Dunedin is leading the way in the urgent fight to prevent catastrophic climate change, local organisers of next Saturday's 350 global day of action say.
Young environmentalists from Otago Girls' High School (OGHS) are doing their part to raise local awareness of the global 350 climate-change campaign.
Feeding toddlers more red meat or iron-fortified milk is now a proven and simple way for parents to stop them developing iron-deficiency anaemia, University of Otago researchers say.
New Zealand's biggest dam could be built in the Lammerlaw Range, northwest of Dunedin.
Making a grieving man choose between his dead wife's ACC compensation and his own hard-earned superannuation is "obscene" and tantamount to theft, Dunedin widower Fin (Findlay) Heads says.
Dunedin builder Lindsay Scott is concerned some homeowners are getting bad advice about retrofitted insulation.
Benjamin Ryan has a couple of days left to savour his achievements during basic training before he plunges into the next stage of becoming a Royal New Zealand Navy diver.
While swine flu has slipped off the radar for many of us, it is still having a severe impact on some people and continues to circulate in the community, health professionals say.
When swine flu patient Terri Gordon-Davis (39) slipped into unconsciousness and was put on a ventilator to keep her alive, her husband was told she had a 25 per cent chance of surviving.
The widow of last year's Dunedin Stars Community Spirit supreme award winner is encouraging people to think about who they could nominate for this year's awards.
There have been 200 fatal or serious crashes at Dunedin intersections in the past five years and, as part of a national strategy, the Dunedin City Council, police and the New Zealand Transport Authority have launched an intersection road safety campaign in the city.
Parking meters throughout New Zealand may get additional signage to clarify a charging system which has been labelled by a citizens' advocate as immoral.
Ten days ago Brendan Clifford (23) was on yet another government-funded pre-employment course, but today he is earning a wage.
A Dunedin woman is disgusted $28 was withdrawn from her bank account when she used a debit card at two of Dunedin City Council's new meters to pay for $4 worth of parking.
National's decision to stop Metiria Turei's Bill protecting marine animals should be of concern to residents of New Zealand's ''wildlife capital'', University of Otago zoologist Associate Professor Liz Slooten says.
Smaills Beach locals are talking about the mystery blonde who has turned the head of Humphrey the resident bachelor. But this love match may not last.
A gold mine tourist attraction on the slopes of Harbour Cone is a concept worth considering says the great-grandson of one of the mine's original shareholders, policeman Lox Kellas, of Portobello.
Cadbury Ltd's decision to contract out the management of its facilities to US-based Johnson Controls ‘‘probably makes a lot of sense'', Otago Chamber of Commerce chief executive John Christie says.
Fifty works of art from the substantial personal collection of Dunedin art patrons Ray Yallop and Des Smith are being donated to Gore's Eastern Southland Gallery.
Dunedin homeowners are likely to be waiting in vain to pay for their home-heating upgrade through their rates.