Unable to find enough financial backing in New Zealand to develop an innovate web-based educational resource service, Otago Polytechnic looked further afield.
For Wesley Moka (18), the future is looking "way better than it was before".
A University of Otago senior staff member researcher has left after it was discovered she did not have the doctorate from Cambridge University she claimed.
The University of Otago is declining to comment on the qualifications and sudden departure of senior research fellow Karen Hartshorn.
Twenty-one general submissions have been received by the Otago University Students Association (OUSA) on its proposal to overhaul its governance structure.
An extra 24 student doctors will begin their training at the University of Otago's Faculty of Medicine from next year.
The proposals Council membership reduced to eight - four appointed by Tertiary Minister, plus chief executive, staff representative, student representative and one other person.
Otago Polytechnic students have staged a bold protest against government funding cuts to the polytechnic sector.
Four Gore men were rescued yesterday after their boat started taking on water while they were fishing near Ruapuke Island in Foveaux Strait about 10.20am.
The economic recession will be a "double whammy" for the Government's massive student loan scheme, a University of Otago academic says.
A call through the pages of the Otago Daily Times for old mud bricks has netted positive results for University of Otago student Phoebe Shaw.
There is some justification for local authorities underwriting an airline to guarantee transtasman flights through Dunedin, Kiwi Air founder Ewan Wilson says.
The two unions representing the largest number of staff at the University of Otago say while they will not be part of the task force examining cost-cutting options, they have been assured they will be consulted before important decisions are made.
Coroner David Crerar has assured Greenfield residents improvements will be made to a "problem intersection" where an Ettrick driver was killed in September last year.
Dairy giant Fonterra has been granted Dunedin City Council resource consent to begin a $40 million-$45 million transformation of the former Fisher and Paykel factory at North Taieri.
It is "disappointing" a student who wanted to return to classes at the University of Otago has not been allowed to do so, Otago University Students Association (OUSA) president Edwin Darlow says.
The University of Otago's financial performance for the first six months of this year is tracking ahead of expectations.
Job cuts and the closure of some programmes are likely as the University of Otago tries to trim its budget ahead of a significant drop in Government funding from 2011.
Dunedin's RSA choir members are hoping to sing their own tributes at next year's Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli in Turkey.
After recording its worst financial result in five years last year, Otago Polytechnic is on track for a surplus this year.