The man about to step down from running Forsyth Barr stadium to work for the opposition, is in the running for New Zealand venue executive of the year.
The Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board hopes to start consulting the community about a new pool in the new year, possibly with a survey to gauge the level of interest in the project.
Mobile traders will be second-class business citizens if a proposed bylaw regulating the industry is passed, traders say.
The five people approved to be Dunedin district licensing committee members have been appointed by the Dunedin City Council.
People interested in an update on the St Clair beach and seawall work can attend a public meeting about it next week, but should not expect any specific answers just yet about long-term solutions to ongoing problems with the wall.
Mobile food traders have clearly objected to proposed new Dunedin City Council rules that would stop them from trading within 300m of other coffee or food outlets.
All possible words that could be used to describe a good person who did a great job were used, some of them several times, at yesterday's Dunedin City Council meeting, when councillors farewelled departing chief executive Paul Orders.
Public workshops involving councillors and ratepayers may offer more transparency, but are unlikely to happen, Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says.
The head of Denver, Colorado's, chamber of commerce says that city's improvements to cycling infrastructure have had a positive effect on the city's brand and economy, although it was difficult to measure the exact impact.
Southern Dunedin residents will have their pick of community events and shopping opportunities before Christmas this year.
Acrid black smoke from an accidental tyre fire prompted a mass turnout of fire appliances in a Dunedin industrial area yesterday.
Five people are to be considered as list members of a new committee to be responsible for considering all alcohol licence applications in Dunedin.
In Venues Management Ltd chairman Sir John Hansen has clarified he no longer has any connection with the Christchurch Stadium Trust.
There was plenty to discuss at this month's Saddle Hill Community Board meeting, held at the Civic Centre in Dunedin last Thursday, including. -
It is likely the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board will still meet outside formal meetings for workshops and briefings, the board's chairman says.
A mirror will be installed at the sharp bend near the bottom of Scroggs Hill Rd, no-stopping lines painted along Seaview Rd and new speed change signs erected as soon as possible.
The Dunedin City Council has chosen a new chief executive.
Dunedin's mayor is instigating a review of the Dunedin City Council's code of conduct in a bid to take the politics out of the process.
They made men and bicycles well in the 1940s - an adventure taking place along the length of New Zealand right now is proof of that.
Only exceptional circumstances would result in the Otago Regional Council cancelling a penalty fee for late payment of rates bills, and problems with postal delivery is not one of them, staff say.