When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, many New Zealanders are likely to be surprised to learn that about 5% of our national emissions total comes from our healthcare sector.
A group of Otago Uni students feel they are victims of gender discrimination after attempts to rent flats in Dunedin were shunned by property owners, on the grounds they are male.
Otago Harbour will be busy next week as Aurora Energy removes the high-voltage power lines and pylons which have spanned from Port Chalmers to Portobello for more than 60 years.
Some general practitioners have reported their patients were stockpiling, hoarding and panic-buying medications following the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic last year.
The South has barely reverted to Covid-19 Alert Level 3, but Act New Zealand leader David Seymour is already questioning why the island is not at Level 2 or lower.
All they really want to do is break free, spread their wings, be able to easy come and easy go, ride their bicycle wherever they like, or play a game with friends - actually, they want it all.