Much of the Otago Settlers Museum has become a building site during the museum redevelopment, but this disruption has not yet dented the museum's overall popularity, visitor figures suggest.
Whether students should be made to join a students' association will be aired in Dunedin next week when the parliamentary education and science select committee hears oral submissions on the Education (Freedom of Association ) Amendment Bill.
During an often impassioned debate, students yesterday decided against enacting the biggest rescinding of Otago University Students' Association external policy for more than 20 years.
The University of Otago is making more central campus flats available to short-stay international students next year, through a head-leasing deal with a private landlord.
Detective work by international scientists is starting to solve a mystery involving hundreds of "missing" supernovae, Sydney-based astronomer Dr Stuart Ryder says.
For amateur astronomer Bill Allen, life these days has become a satisfying blend of wine and stars.
Dunedin Centre manager Svend Tolson was delighted to receive a $10,000 Freemasons scholarship to help him pursue part-time study towards a University of Otago doctorate in marketing.
It would take a pretty hard-hearted judge to give Bert the Columbian bantam the cold shoulder at the South Island poultry, pigeon and cage bird show in Dunedin this weekend.
Surveillance programmes involving GP practices have shown a "very slight increase" in the number of influenza-like illnesses among patients in Otago-Southland, Public Health South medical officer of health Dr Marion Poore says.
Patients will benefit from improved training for medical students, nurses and other health professionals through a $600,000 upgrade at the Otago Clinical Skills Laboratory in Dunedin.
Leading New Zealand artist Marilynn Webb has issued a strong warning about mining of conservation areas to benefit "a corporate few" while it could "destroy heritage for all future New Zealanders".
Former Highlanders lock forward Filipo Levi says help from others and "a lot of hard slog" have contributed to the University of Otago master of indigenous studies degree he will receive at a graduation ceremony today.
A group of concerned students is urging caution over proposed restructuring of the University of Otago social work department, saying the changes could result in New Zealand's social work needs not being met.
University of Otago scientists have taken an unusually close look at a southern right whale dolphin and a baby pygmy sperm whale, creatures which are rarely seen close to shore in New Zealand waters.
Otago school principals have applauded the Government's 2010 Budget which has injected an extra $1.4 billion into education for the next four years, but they are concerned there are some "fish hooks" hidden in it.
Otago Museum leaders plan to sign a memorandum of understanding with one of the world's largest science museums, providing a gateway for Otago science exhibits to enter the huge Chinese market.
Dunedin's distinctive Happy Hens will soon be flapping their way on to the world stage, at the World Expo in Shanghai, where they will become gifts to Chinese dignitaries from the Otago delegation.
Internationally respected astronomer Stuart Ryder, of Sydney, will be one of the keynote speakers at a Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand's annual conference in Dunedin this month.
The pace of change in society was "astonishing" and nothing could be taken for granted, Auckland Crown Solicitor and University of Otago law graduate Simon Moore said.
Manufacturing plant manager Cedric Magic and his daughter Skye have every reason to celebrate today, when they both graduate from the University of Otago with master of entrepreneurship degrees.