A new Wings and Wheels event to be held on Alexandra Blossom Festival Sunday this year could be ''bigger than Ben-Hur'', festival event manager Martin McPherson says.
The woman who helped organise a petition backing a Cromwell Memorial Hall upgrade she is ''gutted'' the community board has now voted to halt all work on the project.
Wine-lovers at yesterday's Clyde Wine and Food Harvest Festival helped fund an important wine exchange between two of the world's great pinot noir regions, organiser of the event Promote Dunstan said.
A $1.4 million grant towards plans to refurbish the Cromwell Memorial Hall is "great news" and appreciated for its pragmatism, community board chairman Neil Gillespie says.
The Maniototo Lions Club could fund the entire $240,000 of the new-look medical centre in the proposed Maniototo Hospital rebuild, through a giant community project.
Wyndham shooter Russell Udy claims his bunny-hunting vehicle this year was "nothing special", but it still had three seats on the back and towed a caravan that would double as sleeping quarters "and a cookshop".
The Central Otago District Council has called a meeting with Land and Information New Zealand in the wake of increasing complaints about "irresponsible" camping in Central Otago.
While chocolate bunnies may be on the menu for some this weekend, Central Otago's real rabbits are under attack as the annual Great Easter Bunny Hunt gets under way.
It was a ''frightening'' prospect to begin with, but after two quick laps in Queenstown race driver Grant Aitken's GT40 at Highlands Motorsport Park, Invercargill man Dale Brook was sold.
Further assessing the condition of the Alexandra Memorial Theatre, at a cost of almost $10,000, will probably be "just the beginning" of work needed there, the Vincent Community...