Commmercial property investor confidence markers in Queenstown and Dunedin are poles apart.
A significant boost of infant formula sales has prompted a revenue upgrade by the A2 Milk Company, sending its share price skyward.
Auckland's heated housing market has notched down in recent months as new tax and mortgage lending rules for investors take hold, while the rest of the country generally continues to makes gains.
Minnow electricity retailer Flick Electric Co has grown its customer base almost 300% since its launch in August last year, and recently raised $5million in new capital.
Taranaki's oil and gas basins were the focus for exploration in the Government's block offer tender round for 2015, with nine onshore and offshore permits awarded in Taranaki this week.
The Otago Southland Employers' Association chief executive for almost the past seven years, John Scandrett, has resigned, to pursue other business interests.
Less than a week after Shell New Zealand announced an all-encompassing asset review, its parent Royal Dutch Shell says it is planning to cut 2800 jobs globally, following its £55billion ($NZ123.3billion) takeover of LNG specialist BG Group.
Up to 80% of dairy farmers could face negative cash-flow scenarios for the 2015-16 dairy season, with the Reserve Bank's best-case and worst-case scenarios estimating defaults at between 2% to 14% of bank loans.
Dunedin's three McDonald's outlets have been redeveloped at a cost of almost $5 million during the past three years, with city-wide employee numbers recently boosted beyond 200.
Otago's November manufacturing activity continues to lead the country, which overall remains in expansion territory.
Shares in Scales Corp bounded up more than 5% on new full-year guidance yesterday, with revenue, profit and dividends all forecast to be up by a range of 45%-75%.
Oil and Gas explorer and producer Shell, New Zealand's largest gas producer, has announced a shock review of all its New Zealand assets, which could include an exit from the country.
Chatham Islanders are celebrating not only the opening of a new $3million state-of-the art fish factory, but also confirmation of the Government spending $52million on a new Waitangi wharf, with construction to start next year.
Following recent reports of frenzied house-buying in Dunedin, the number of houses sold in November was flat, but house prices reflected buyer pressure, rising 13% in the city on a year ago.
New Zealand's security of electricity supply is entering a crunch period with three major generators being decommissioned from the national grid by 2019.
Global crude oil prices have slumped to an almost seven-year low, but the waning strength of the New Zealand dollar may work against further fuel pump relief for motorists heading into the Christmas holidays.
The food and beverage sectors underpinned a boost to manufacturing sales, with volumes up 3.5% and values up 4.2% to a total $23.6billion for the quarter to September.
Steel distributor Steel & Tube has signalled a one-off $5.2million gain will be added to its half-year bottom-line results in December, from the sale of a vacated Auckland property.
Contact Energy has surprised the market with a $50million downgrade to its full-year 2016 guidance, following the combination of several one-off items.
A three-day ''Wild Dunedin'' nature festival is being planned for next year and organisers hope it will attract thousands of visitors to the city.