Product diversification in multiple industries has delivered a strong half-year result for listed Dunedin company Scott Technology with work orders for the remainder of the year at record levels.
A multimillon-dollar fertiliser export business was launched decisively on the Taieri Plain yesterday with a massive inaugural export consignment of 1000 tonnes heading to Australia next month.
Queenstown has regained the mantle of the least affordable area in New Zealand to buy a home, while many other areas around the country are at their best buying levels in seven years.
New Zealand's stock exchange reflected a global settling in most major markets following a massive week of volatility which wiped hundreds of billions of dollars off company values around the world.
Rural services company PGG-Wrightson is making a multimillion-dollar ownership claim on strong-wool marketing company Wool Partners International, while also considering a $227 million takeover bid...
Construction of an up to $50 million retirement village for 250 residents in Dunedin will be fast-tracked by about six months by its developers in the wake of increased inquiries following Christchurch's earthquakes.
A revived entity to represent strong-wool farmers across the country has been announced by listed rural services company PGG-Wrightson, following an unsuccessful bid to set up a competing co-operative.
Fletcher Building has waived its 90% minimum requirement of shareholder acceptances in its hostile, more than $1 billion bid, for Australian rival Crane Group when announcing it has built its stake to 57% yesterday.
Outdoor retailer Kathmandu has delivered a strong result in the face of difficult trading and continues to pave the way for expansion of its 100-store chain this financial year.
Directors of rural services company PGG-Wrightson - already considering a $227 million 50.01% takeover bid by China-based Agria Corp - have dismissed talk of an unsubstantiated alternative 19.9% offer by Hong Kong-based investment company Zuellig Group.
Japanese financial markets have been savaged in the wake of nuclear reactor explosions and fires - wiping more than $US620 billion ($NZ847 billion) off the value of companies on the Nikkei index alone.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into Japan's finance sector since Friday's dual quake and tsunami, but stock markets around the world have nose-dived as the wider economic repercussions take shape.
New Zealand's tourism outlook will come under close scrutiny in the weeks ahead as the extent of the destruction in Japan becomes apparent, with Air New Zealand moving quickly yesterday to announce a profit downgrade.
Freightways has announced expectations of a $1.5 million revenue downturn in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake, as not all its revenue streams were insured.
Shares in Abano Healthcare Group and Methven were, respectively, punished and rewarded by investors when it was announced on Thursday the pair would swap places in the New Zealand stock exchange's NZX top 50 companies index.
Fletcher Building has snared a majority 51.9% stake in its hostile takeover bid for rival Crane Group, a plumbing supplies and plastic pipeline-maker in Australia.
The New Zealand Stock Exchange's own shares have rocketed in value during the past 10 trading days, up more than 30% to $2.12 yesterday.
Port Otago will maintain its 15.5% stake in rival Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) but has no plans to reignite merger proposals, new chairman Dave Faulkner said yesterday.
Investors owed $96 million from Aorangi Securities Ltd - aside from $50 million written-off - may be waiting up to four years for full repayment as statutory managers Grant Thornton deal with some borrowers struggling to pay back loans or meet interest payments.
Port Otago has booked static revenue and before-tax profits for its half-year to December, in part underpinned by a rejuvenated forestry sector with log exports up 66% during the period.