Proposed changes to a regional plan to improve water quality were pulled from this week’s Otago Regional Council agenda because a "majority" of councillors face possible conflicts of interest.
The Government’s new public housing provider should work with local government and abide by local planning documents as much as possible, the Dunedin City Council says.
There will be no new rates rises for Airbnb properties in Dunedin next year, but city councillors this week directed council staff to consider a new type of property in its rates review for its 2021-31 long-term plan.
An online NZ property rental platform says the DCC's proposal to seek commercial rates from residential short-term accommodation providers is "misguided" and will drive up the cost of visiting Dunedin.
Among the "profusion of little lakes" that pop up around Dunedin due to backed up mud tanks - the ironically named "Lake Olveston" is perhaps the most persistent, Lee Vandervis says.
At least half a dozen new scientists and the same number of new planners will be required in the short term to complete the Otago Regional Council’s new water plan, council chairwoman Marian Hobbs...
The free ride could soon be over for Airbnb operators as the Dunedin City Council considers higher rates for the city’s booming residential short-term visitor accommodation market.
A growing appreciation of the significance of the Treaty of Waitangi has led to growing crowds attending the Ngai Tahu Treaty Festival Waitangi Day commemorations, an Otakou kaumatua says.