Adventure Books owner Bill Nye is set to depart for the United States to collect a treasure trove of books - and the size of his bounty has grown since he inherited thousands of rare books.
The Weston School board of trustees wants the Ministry of Education to appoint a limited statutory manager at the school to help it process a ''staffing issue''.
The New Zealand National Commission for Unesco has given the Waitaki District Council the nod to go ahead with its bid to establish the country’s first Unesco Global Geopark.
A firm belief in the separation of church and state has prompted one Waitaki District councillor to oppose picking up the maintenance tab for high-profile Oamaru gardens.
Riverstone Country Gift Shop is doing a roaring trade in golliwogs after being censured by the Human Rights Commission for stocking the doll "born out of racism".
A zipline at Oamaru Harbour could still be on the cards, but the company behind the plans has "reset" its proposal and "moved the line orientation completely".
A cairn for the RSA is planned to replace ageing pine trees planted in the Waitaki Valley to commemorate the loss of life as Allied troops retreated from Dunkirk in World War 2.
Rotary Club of Oamaru Bookarama co-ordinator Cara Tipping Smith says the club "definitely" broke its fundraising record at this year’s annual weekend donated book sale.