As voting papers arrive in the post during the next week, voters will need to consider not only which candidates to support, but how to cast their vote.
The Dunedin Repertory Society occupies a special niche in the city's arts community, providing regular opportunities for young thespians to gain performance experience.
A three-decade commitment to supporting refugees in the city will be marked next month, as the Refugee Support Group (Dunedin) celebrates its 30th anniversary.
A growing number of Dunedin families with a member experiencing cognitive impairment are finding peace of mind through the Dunedin LandSAR WandaTrak system.
Community concern about the uncertain future of Highgate Presbyterian Church in Maori Hill is gaining momentum, with a recently-launched petition gathering more than 800 signatures.
The Otago Art Society fears a proposed plan to make the Dunedin Railway Station a pedestrian precinct will adversely affect its operation and those of its fellow tenants.