Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust boss Julie Scott (right) says about 900 responses have so far been received to the Queenstown Renters’ Survey.
A desperately needed worker accommodation complex proposed for Frankton is expected to cost $115 million to build, employ about 500 people during construction and house up to 710 local workers.
Presbyterian Support Otago’s (PSO) on the hunt for one or more Queenstowners willing to open up their homes once a week to support people with dementia.
Queenstown's regional tourism organisation (RTO) says parking in the district’s just "one piece of the puzzle" and believes Queenstown’s council, and others, need to take a more holistic view.
Arrowtown-based regional economist Benje Patterson says while the pressure has come off Queenstown’s rental housing market slightly compared to six or 12 months ago, the "litmus test" is imminent.
Lake Whakatipu will be the venue for a battle royale this Saturday, as Queenstown’s Lady of the Lake goes up against a host of other ladies on the lake.
Mana Tahuna Charitable Trust tumu whakarae (CEO) Mike Rewi (Kai Tahu, Kati Mamoe, Ngati Kahungunu) with Honor Rose Tuhura (left) and Charlie Jay at Waitangi Day celebrations.