A tenant who sublet a one-bedroom apartment while he was away in Christchurch to three other people has been told by the Tenancy Tribunal to pay his landlord $1000 in damages.
Prebbleton’s oldest home is getting a new lease on life as its owners John and Wendy Hillary pour their life savings into rebuilding it into a modern classic.
Seven years after entering a costly dispute with a building company, Suzanne and Mark Chamberlain have finally moved on - and marked their fresh start with the birth of their first child.
Christchurch’s property market is being flooded with hundreds of new or near-new two-bedroom townhouses - and agents say there are far more for sale than there are buyers.
A Canterbury bach, used by the real-life Hulme family and then by Hollywood A-listers Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey when they were filming Heavenly Creatures, could be yours to own.
Christchurch City Council has agreed to a raft of major new rules that will allow for more intensive housing and business development under the district plan.
Amy Tennant and her partner are building a house in Darfield - but she never expected to receive an almost $15,000 bill to connect to the sewage network.
The Havelock house is known for its colourful variety of sea creatures, most notably a 12-foot (3.65m) shark. Now the building is for sale and the sea creatures are too.