Rambling along the river bank


Off they go . . . Henry Lancaster, aged 11 of Rangiora, takes the lead as the cyclists set off on...
Off they go . . . Henry Lancaster, aged 11 of Rangiora, takes the lead as the cyclists set off on the Ramble.
Over 100 cyclists runners and walkers turned out on Sunday morning for a 12 km long ramble along the Ashley River stop banks during the Rangiora Lions Club annual Ashley River Ramble.

Club member and organiser Rob McLeod says it was a good turnout considering there was a lot on in the district.

‘‘It was good to be back with this fun, family event after three years since the last ramble.’’

After a group warm-up by NZ Olympic and Commonwealth Games middle distance runner Angie Petty, the cyclists were waved away at 9am by Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon from the Waikuku Beach North Oval.

Ten minutes later the runners and walkers headed off.

The finish line was at the Ashley River Picnic Grounds near the BMX Track, in Rangiora.

Mr McLeod says the fastest riders would have made it to the finish line in around 40-45 minutes.

But the event was not a race like the ones the club used to run years ago.

All money raised during the ramble will go towards supporting the Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust, who entered a walking team at the event.

Foot traffic . . . Runners head off to negotiate the trail along the river banks during the Ramble.
Foot traffic . . . Runners head off to negotiate the trail along the river banks during the Ramble.

Stepping out . . . The walking team from the Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust head off...
Stepping out . . . The walking team from the Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust head off at the start of the 12km long Ashley River Ramble along the stop banks from Waikuku Beach to Rangiora on Sunday. PHOTOS: JOHN COSGROVE