Residents from Levi Rd and the surrounding streets met with the Selwyn District Council to raise their concerns.
The council is planning to widen Levi Rd, add a flush median strip, and install traffic lights to replace the roundabout at Levi Rd, Lincoln Rolleston Rd, Lowes Rd, and Masefield Drive.
The proposed design of the traffic lights will also see a concrete median barrier installed on Levi Rd, blocking right-turn access to three properties near the roundabout.
One of those properties is owned by Alan and Joy Haylock.
Alan said the proposed traffic island was because of an exit from Pak’nSave.
Groundwork on the new supermarket at 157 Levi Rd started earlier this month.
“Ours is the only one (road) with a traffic island ... and is because of an exit from Pak’nSave.
“The whole thing is poorly planned,” Alan said.
He said he proposed a design with a flush median instead of the barrier.
“They (council) told me they would put it the tendering process.”
Council executive director of infrastructure and property Tim Mason said the council is still finalising the design and will work with residents.
“The proposed design currently is based on a safety audit to meet the national road safety guidelines and we are actively looking at what we can do to address the concerns raised,” Mason said.
The traffic lights are being installed to address congestion issues and improve pedestrian access.
The latest traffic count from the council in 2022 showed about 10,000 vehicles used the road a day.
Traffic in the area is only expected to increase.
The new Pak’nSave is due to be completed by late 2025. A Mitre 10 on Lincoln Rolleston Rd next to Pak’nSave is planned, with the consenting process under way.
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has highlighted Levi Rd as one of the main commuter and freight access points for Rolleston, with traffic coming from the Weedons interchange.
Further down Levi Rd, resident Beth Roche would like to see a median strip added outside her property.
She battles every morning to get out of her driveway due to congestion and has traffic build up behind her when waiting to turn right into her driveway.
“We constantly get honked at, abused or dangerous manoeuvres into oncoming traffic,” Roche said.
Roche said her car had been hit while parked on the roadside and a painter had his van side-swiped while working at her house.
Mason said the road widening will start this financial year, but could not confirm where the median strips will placed.
“The design is not finalised, however, the plan has been to include flush medians where appropriate as part of the upgrade of the road to bring it up to the standards of an arterial road.
“Council will work with developers who are also required to provide their own upgrades along Levi Rd as their subdivisions eventuate.”