St Andrew’s College students' seven-minute Coldplay cover

After wowing people with their performance of Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven at a school prize giving last year, students at Christchurch’s St Andrew’s College have done it again with a Coldplay song.

Performing once again at the school’s end of year prize giving, an ensemble of students, featuring an orchestra, choir, and other soloists, took to the stage to deliver British band Coldplay’s 2008 hit Viva La Vida.

They turned the original four minute track into an extended seven minute marathon, featuring a flute, violin, and guitar solos.

Taking centre stage during the performance were singers Xanthe Pearce, Chantelle Xiong and Hugo Ranken, and instrumental soloists James McIver (guitar), Jasmine Hooker (cello), Miu Kim (flute) and Sea-am Thompson (violin).