The business was named number one at the Hospitality New Zealand Awards for Excellence last week.
The restaurant now holds the title of 'best neighbourhood bar and eatery.'
Mr Halliwell said it wasn't the first award the business has won, but it was the first of such a high magnitude.
“Since we opened No.4 in 2006, real hospitality has been at the centre of everything we do. We look after our team, and they, in turn, stick around, often for many years, and look after our customers. Some of them even recall individual loyalty card numbers,” he said.
Mr Halliwell said the award is a great recognition of all the hard work his staff put into their work.
"They do a great job, they work incredibly hard," he said.
He thought the reason behind the businesses success was that its spaces cater to a range of occasions.
“We can have a rowdy party going on in the bar, live music outside, and a formal dinner in the library, and everybody’s happy,” Mr Halliwell said.
Mr Halliwell submitted an application to Hospitality New Zealand to be entered in the running for the award and was pleased with the result.
Head Chef Ian Mulling, who has been with the No.4 team since the company owned the now earthquake-destroyed Clarendon Restaurant on Oxford Tce accepted the award on behalf of the team at the ceremony in Hawke's Bay.