'Fines woefully inadequate': 21,443 red light runners at Christchurch intersections

A van runs the red light at Christchurch’s worst intersection for red-light running – the...
A van runs the red light at Christchurch’s worst intersection for red-light running – the intersection of Peer St, Yaldhurst and Curletts Rds. Photo: Geoff Sloan
21,443: That’s how many red light runners were detected at five Christchurch intersections during 2024.

The worst was the intersection of Peer St, Yaldhurst and Curletts Rds where 12,336 drivers ran a red light, followed by Northwood Blvd/Main North/Radcliffe Rds, 3085, Prestons Rd/Te Rito St, 2531, 4. Barbadoes St/Moorhouse Ave/Waltham Rd, 1838 and North Parade/Marshland/New Brighton/Shirley Rds, 1653.

The red light runners are detected by New Zealand Transport Authority-installed detectors under intersections across the city.

But there are only two red light cameras in Christchurch, where photo evidence leads to a fine – Moorhouse Ave/ Manchester St, and Moorhouse Ave, Gasson and Madras Sts. Those intersections do not feature in the top 15 for detecting red light runners.

AA Canterbury/West Coast District Council chair John Skevington said more red light cameras need to be installed.

“The top five sites would be ideal for red light cameras, combined with safety improvements to those intersections to improve traffic flow,” he said.

City council transport operations manager Stephen Wright said NZTA is aware red light cameras and safety cameras are a priority.

“We understand the earliest they would be able to consider them as part of their work programme would be 2026. Their current focus is on safety cameras,” he said.

Skevington is also calling for greater penalties for running red lights and other bad driving practices.

“I think a lot of that is, the fine for bad driving is really low compared to other countries. There’s just no consequences.

“If you had more cameras and higher penalties, I think that would be a really good combination,” he said.

Police can issue a $150 infringement notice for failing to stop at a red light.

Said Skevington: “That’s woefully inadequate, way behind other countries.”

He wants the fine to at least double to $300.

His views are echoed in a starnews.co.nz poll which showed 85% in favour of stronger penalties with only 15% wanting no change.

Breaking down the result further, 70% want fines to increase from $150 to $300 and demerit points introduced, while 15% just want demerit points for and no fine increase.

The poll had 1330 respondents.

AA Canterbury/West Coast District Council chair John Skevington believes greater penalties would...
AA Canterbury/West Coast District Council chair John Skevington believes greater penalties would be a good deterrent to stop drivers running red lights. Photo: Geoff Sloan
Skevington believes the poll is indicative of public frustrations with red light runners.

“It’s good to see that high percentage supporting a rise in penalties because we thought it is definitely something worth looking at but we weren’t sure how much support was for it,” he said.

“The penalties are very low currently. It’s well and truly time to have a look at changing them.”

He is calling on the Government to look at a combination of increased penalties and the addition of demerit points.

“I think younger people, in particular, tend to value their licenses and demerit points on their licenses would probably have more of an impact on them than any financial penalty.”

He said driving standards had dropped in the last 10 years.

“It’s quite common when you get to a red light to see three or four more cars go through.It just seems to be, people are more impatient than they used to be. We seem to have a different attitude than a lot of other countries.”

It wasn’t just motorists running red lights.

“Cyclists totally disregard them. Not all of them, some cyclists do act within the road rules. But a lot of them carry on as though the red light isn’t there,” Skevington said.

The lack of right-hand arrows at some intersections was adding to the problem.

“Some people get caught out when turning, so there’s room for improvement there as well.”

  • Have Your Say - Tell us about your close call with a red light runner. Email barry@starmedia.kiwi and keep your responses to 200 words or less