That’s the call from the Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board, which wants improvements to pedestrian access from Halswell School to Sabys Rd and Country Palms, as well as between Oaklands School and Dunbars Rd.
The city council plans to make improvements on Dunbars and Sabys Rds in its 2024-27 capital programme, subject to funding.
Community board member and Halswell Ward city councillor Andrei Moore put forward a notice of motion at the board’s recent meeting asking for an investigation into a short-term, cost-effective fix. It was passed unanimously.
“I’m not asking for anything expensive,” Moore said.
“I am simply asking for anything in the short term that will help residents of all ages cross the road. I don’t believe it needs to be looked at in the view of the capital programme. I am being very mindful of the budget.”
Moore said he was originally going to present his notice of motion in April last year but was advised by the city council it was being looked into and left it at that.
“I have been regularly told since April 2022 that work was ongoing looking into safer access options but after waiting patiently I felt it was now appropriate to formalise this request.
“We all want work done in as many areas as possible – this motion just helped push it through.”
Moore said in hindsight he should have put the motion forward last year so it was formalised then. But his latest version includes Dunbars Rd while the original did not.
“Pedestrian infrastructure of some description is both obvious and overdue,” he said.
“The intention of this is for any form of a win in the short term and then to look at comprehensive fixes in the long term.”

“There have been some improvements made in the last two years, like adding the island to Halswell Rd.
“But there is usually a parent who on their own accord helps direct traffic, something I don’t think they should have to do,” she said.
She said it is good to have the school patrol out, but they start at 9am and finish at 3pm.
“Some of my kids are seniors and have classes earlier like sport or choir and we live locally but I won’t let them walk to school then because it is unsafe.”
Halswell School associate principal Tracey Mora did not respond to Western News’ questions.
By Briar Allen