The bond between Mt Somers shepherd Skyla Taylor and 4-year-old heading dog Dag helped them to secure the maiden win at the recent Tux New Zealand Yarding Challenge South Canterbury heat, at Springbank Farm, in Pleasant Point.
Following the win, in which Ms Taylor and Dag beat second-placed competitor Simon Chamberlain and dog Indy by 8.5 points, the pair will advance to the South Island event, in Blenheim, early next year.
It was the first time Ms Taylor had competed in the event so gaining the qualifying score to advance was a pleasant surprise.
Ms Taylor (26) has been shepherding, and entering local dog trial competitions, for the past seven years, preferring to stick to the trials close to home. Along with the accolade of winning she also received prize money.
She has six dogs but for yarding events uses only her favourite, heading dog Dag, who she has had since he was 8 weeks old.
They were competing again at the Ashburton A&P Show last weekend.
The maiden win, considered a junior category in the competitions, is a boost to her early dog trialling experience, especially as it is something she has always wanted to do.
"I haven't competed in the big [open] competitions. I've been doing the local ones around where I've been shepherding," she says, and admits she is keen to stick to the maiden events for now.
She has just returned from an overseas trip exploring the United Kingdom and Europe, but previously worked in Southland and most recently, was head shepherd at Mt Somers Station.
The move from Southland to Mid Canterbury, she said, came from seeking a change in landscapes.
The former Telford student, who studied for a Diploma in Rural Business, was raised in rural Five Forks, near Oamaru. Her grandparents, Fay and Bruce McNab, owned a farm in the area.
"The family has been farming all my life, so I've grown up with shepherding," she said.
Since returning from her trip she has continued working in the Mt Somers area picking up casual shepherding work.
Tux New Zealand Yarding Challenge South Canterbury heat. —
Judge: Jan Tairua
Open: Lloyd Smith and Check, 95.5 points 1; Kevin Ashworth and
Leah, 95 2; Neil Evans and Tess, 94.5 3; Andy Clark and Girl, 90 4; Steve
Wallace and Tim, 86.5 5; Andy McNab and Herb, 85.5 6; Bill Nichol and
Rick, 76 7; Alistair Dickson and Bruce, 75 8; Mike Brown and Victor, 56.5
Maiden: Skyla Taylor and Dag, 84 points 1; Simon Chamberlain and
Indy, 75.5 2; Simon Chamberlain and Kylie, 71 3.
Tux New Zealand Handy Dog Challenge Winchester heat. —
Judge: Steve Blanchard
Open: Trevor Wilson and Bear, 98 points 1; Bryce Yorke and Poi, 96
2; Nick Meiklejohn and Rowdy, 90.5 3; Barry Thompson and Jimmy, 89.5
4; Mark Mallinson and Freedo, 36 5.
Maiden: Dave Hussey and Gus, 93.5 1; Cam Russell and Brook, 90.5
2; Darcy Tong and Jazz, 85 3; Amy Duckworth and Base, 83.5 4; Peter
Aitken and Stone, 77.5 5.