Latest grads to work in area

The latest graduates from the Growing Future Farmers in Southland are looking to stay in the province to work.

Growing Future Farmers Southland liaison manager Amy Priest said Zane Flawn, 19, of Invercargill, Taurus-Peyton Harden, 20, of Gore, and Sarah Harvey, 19, of Winton, graduated in Lumsden last month.

Miss Harvey had secured a job as a junior shepherd at Shane and Justin Roy’s farm in Balfour.

Richard and Tania Jordan had employed Mr Flawn as a junior shepherd at Whare Creek, Blackmount.

Miss Harden was staying on at Burwood Station, where she worked during the programme, until early next year.

"She is still hunting because there is not much work out there at the moment," Mrs Priest said.

"But she is able to stay on at her [Growing Future Farmers] farm until she finds something."

Kurow graduate Mia Tudor, 20, of Chatto Creek in Central Otago, also graduated at the ceremony in Lumsden.

She would continue working at Waikoura Station, where she was placed for her programme, for a few more weeks.

Up to five students had signalled they would start the programme in Southland next year, Mrs Priest said.

Over the two-year duration, each student gains NZQA National Certificates through Te Pūkenga Eastern Institute of Technology in primary industries (levels 2 and 3), pre-employment skills (level 3), certificate in agriculture — food and fibre (level 3) and land-based sustainability (level 3).

Growing Future Farmers was considering including levels 4 and 5 sheep and beef sector qualifications in the programme.


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