Bid for shearing record raises $9k for charity

Shaun Mathieson (left) joins other shearers and woolhandlers, who shore almost 2000 sheep to raise money for charity. Photo: Giordano Stolley
Shaun Mathieson (left) joins other shearers and woolhandlers, who shore almost 2000 sheep to raise money for charity. Photo: Giordano Stolley
Almost $9000 was raised for charity by the Riverton Lions Club as shearers attempted to shatter a 2011 record of 2210 sheep shorn in a day.

While the 16 or so shearers came up short of the record, they still managed to shear 1993 sheep on Tuesday at the Woodlands Research Station.

Sandy Gillet, the club's first vice-president, said on Tuesday the 16 or so shearers would shear ''until they're finished or until they're buggered''.

As it turned out they ran out of sheep.

''They were finished and some were buggered, but nobody gave up.''

She reckoned the average age of those doing the shearing was in the late 50s, but three of the shearers were in their 70s, she said.

The oldest woolhandler, or ''rousy'', was 82. All gave their time and services free.

The charity event had been going for the past 12 years, Miss Gillet said.

Support also came from family members, who worked in the kitchen ensuring everybody got refreshments, Miss Gillet said.

The charity event ''started when the wool prices were really low and it was costing more to shear the sheep than what the wool was worth''.

Money from the event would mostly go towards charity for local youth and the elderly, Miss Gillet said.

''The weather is always the biggest challenge,''

she said, pointing to some of the freshly cut wool that had to be put aside as it was still wet from the recent rains.


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