After all, what goes in, must come out.
In these enlightened environmental times, Donny Lewis is a key man for this year’s Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust cavalcade.
From dawn to dusk, he is busy with the 30-odd Portaloos stationed around the backblocks of the South to help the about 500 cavalcaders on trails, mainly in Southland, go about their business this week.
Mr Lewis, regional manager for Wastetech, said it was a job that had to be done.
Horses may be able to go about their waste business with nature but humans can no longer go behind a bush.
"You get to see some pretty cool parts of the country. Go into some faraway places. I’m probably going to do about 2500km through the week," he said.
"Tuesday and Wednesday are going to be the big nights. You can tell the next day. There is a bit more work to be done.
"But we’ve got a system and they [the cavalcade] are very well organised. Just with times and pick-ups."
About 2cu m of waste is collected daily and dispersed in a Southland District Council treatment station. Mr Lewis is based in Waikaia for the week.
Mr Lewis said he had a bit of fun with the people on the cavalcade. Those who spent too much time in the Portaloo got the hurry-up with his suction hose and also a good bang on the door.
"But they are good sorts. Come from all over the country — and all sorts of jobs. Doesn’t matter — when you are all together, having a good time."
He gets called Kenny a bit, a reference to the cult Australian movie about a Melbourne sewerage worker who drove his waste truck around the city.
Like Kenny, Mr Lewis said it was hard work and never stopped.
"I will be keen when Sunday rolls around ... It is long days but I don’t mind."