A free spirit with an insatiable curiosity, she left a lasting impression on everyone lucky enough to meet her.
But sadly, Snoops is no more.
On February 26 about 8.30pm, Snoops was sitting in one of her favourite spots in Sumner on the corner of Colenso and Menzies Sts when a car drove over the footpath.
Tragically, Snoops was struck by the car and killed.
The following day, those who had been touched by Snoops’ presence gathered to remember their beloved 3-year-old feline friend. About 40 Sumner residents assembled outside Our Lady Star of the Sea School to celebrate her life.
Lauren and David Betsill were two of Snoops’ many caretakers.
Lauren said Snoops’ passing was a “dramatic loss for the community’’.
The memorial was deeply moving, with flowers, more than 50 handmade cards from Star of the Sea pupils, and a neighbour with a guitar singing a waiata in her honour.
Snoops made herself feel at home in the Sumner community, often staying with a family for a week or two before taking off for another.
She often snuck in through pet doors to help herself to cat food – sometimes to the owners’ dismay, but more often to their delight.

“There’s a Rumi quote that says, ‘wherever you are, be the soul of that place’.
“Snoops was kind of that way.”
Tributes to Snoops
- One family at the service talked about their first day at Sumner School. They had just emigrated from the United States and naturally felt a bit unsettled. On their walk back after picking up the kids, Snoops joined them and followed the family all the way home. The kids were touched by Snoops’ company and it was a major moment for the family.
- Snoops was a celebrity at Sumner School. One of the pupils’ fondest memories of her was when the year 5s and 6s constructed their own news reporting videos. One particular skit was an interview with Snoops herself, where the presenter asked the feline adventurer about her favourite hiding spots around Sumner and how she stole kids’ lollies.
- Mary, another one of Snoops’ many caretakers, thanked her for being a loyal companion. Mary’s home was where Snoops spent most of her time. She looked back on the cold winter nights sitting in front of the fireplace when Snoops would come in and take long naps on Mary’s lap before she’d inevitably take off again.