The runner-up award of proxime accessit went to 17-year-old Ella Rickard.
Olivia said she wanted to thank her parents for supporting her, especially as her year of study had been ‘‘really challenging’’.
‘‘It involved many, many hours of studying on my own, saying no to hanging out with friends,’’ Olivia said.
She said some friends had high expectations of her at the start of the year, following her being the top academic student over the past two years.
She had told them she could only try her best, not wanting to put too much pressure on herself.
‘‘You can get into a loop of overachieving,’’ she said.
Olivia took the subjects of drama, music, biology, English and philosophy.
She was off to London in January, to do a missions-based course with Youth With a Mission, which has a focus on volunteering in developing countries.
It would be a gap year, as she ultimately aimed to become a counsellor. A secondary educational option would be undertaking a Bachelor of Performing Arts.
This year she had co-directed the Ashburton Christian School production Pilgrim (Her Story), with her mother Delia Fox. And she had received distinction in a grade eight singing exam with Trinity.
Ella is next year off to the University of Canterbury. She plans to do a Bachelor of Science with a double major in environmental and biological sciences.
Ella’s passion was science.
‘‘It just makes sense to me, I like learning about how things work.’’
Her subjects were physics, biology, chemistry, calculus and classics.
She said her career could possibly be in research.
Ashburton College year 13 prizegiving awards
General Awards
Taymah Aiken-Wheeler - Level 3 Award. Paige Aitken - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Jemma Bent - University of Otago 150th Anniversary Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Honor Bradford - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Lily Briggs - Excellence in Level 3 Criminal Minds - Online, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Riley Broker - Level 3 Award. Latham Brown - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Lacey Campbell - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Zoe Cribb - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Tate Dryland - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Genevieve Felton - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Holly-Jayne Feutz - Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Leigha Fletcher - University of Otago Pacific Peoples’ Entrance Scholarship, AshColl Way Award.
Jasmine Galos - University of Otago 150th Anniversary Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Ashley Gee - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Ellie Glenn - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Bree Greer - Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Rachel Hoekstra - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Lorraine Huy - University of Otago 150th Anniversary Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Poppy Jemmett - Excellence in Level 3 Criminal Minds - Online, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Sam Kingsbury - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Selaima Loloma - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Larrein Lumatac - University of Otago 150th Anniversary Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Elyse McCallum - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Darcy McCully
- Top of Class in NCEA Education for Sustainability - Online, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Thomas Patterson - Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Sai Sukumar - Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Mahalia Scarlett - University of Canterbury Go Waitaha Canterbury Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Sienna Skilling
- Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Angel Spooner - Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Theo Thompson Hart - University of Otago 150th Anniversary Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Madi Tourle - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Pippo Trinidad - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Elliott Ward - Level 3 Award. Madison Whyte - Service and Support to Phoenix Chorus, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award. Emma Williams - Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Service, Sports and Arts Awards
Honor Bradford - Ashburton High School Cup for Girls Open Athletics Champion - joint award, Leadership and Service to Red House.
Riley Broker - Boys Squash Champion Trophy for Squash. Newel Buenafe - Shepherd Cup for Commitment and Leadership in Senior Boys Basketball.
Isacc Carr - Boys Open Grade Swimming Champion (Ashburton High School Cup) - joint award, Leadership and Service to Blue House. Tamsin Cartney - Addis Trophy for Vocal Contribution to College Music.
Briar Clark - Most Improved Forward (Girls Rugby Trophy). Hannah Digby - Leadership and Service to Red House. Zac Douglas
- Rugby Trophy for Contribution to College Rugby, Firestone Fairplay Trophy for Commitment to Fairplay.
E-J Elliott - Ashburton College 1st XI Trophy for Outstanding Contribution to College Football. Jack Ellis - Open Boys Athletics Champion (Ashburton High School Cup). HJ Feutz - Cochrane Cup for The Top All-round Female Sportsperson Girls Tennis Champion (ATS Cup). Olivia Fox - Senior Drama Performance Cup for Drama, Ashburton Musical Club Trophy for The Best Performance Student.
Sophie Gibson - Most Elite Female Sportsperson in the College
- Senior Girls Sports Cup, Steve Beveridge Trophy for Best Performing Rower, Leadership and Service to Orange House. Breeanna Greer - Neill Trophy for the player displaying the most Dedication, Loyalty and Contribution to the Girls Hockey team. Maria Hala - Corbett Trophy for Dedication and Commitment to Tikanga Maori. Isabelle Harris - Leadership and Service to Orange House.
Poppy Jemmett - Netball Cup for Leadership in Netball. Violet Lambert-Lane - Senior Dance Performance Cup. Lucy Marshall - Leadership and Service to Green House. Liberty Mendez - Cleland Trophy for Contribution to Girls Volleyball - joint award.
Tom Patterson - Stewards Cup for the male showing the Most Dedication and Determination in Sport, Boys Open Grade Swimming Champion (Ashburton High School Cup) - joint award. Keisha Power - Daly Trophy for Excellence in Senior Visual Arts.
Emily Simons - Dr Jim Benefield Trophy for the student that shows the most enthusiasm and appreciation of the Classical World.
Sienna Skilling - Leadership and Service to Blue House. Angel Spooner - Girls Rugby Cup for Dedication to Girls Rugby.
Sai Sukumar - Ashburton College Trophy for the female showing the Most Dedication and Determination in Sport, Sue Johnstone Sportsmanship Trophy for Contribution and Dedication to Badminton. Beaver Touli - Dave Christensen Trophy for Contribution to Boys Volleyball. Madi Tourle - NZ Cadets Ladies Challenge Cup - Senior Shooting Champion, L Clayton Trophy - Best Female Shooter, To Collect on behalf of the Smallbore Rifle Shooting Team the Bevan Bain Trophy as the team that brings the most credit to Ashburton College.
Ripena Umaga Vaeila - Ashburton College Rugby Trophy for Contribution to Girls Rugby. Rose Vannini - Cleland Trophy for Contribution to Girls Volleyball - joint award, Ashburton High School Cup for Girls Open Athletics Champion - joint award, Leadership and Service to Green House. Elliott Ward - Philishave Cup for 1st XV Rugby Player of the Year. Dominic Wayman - Jenkinson Family Cup for Inclusive Education. Sophie Gibson - Colour Award for Rowing.
Academic Awards
Kaiya Amorante - Top Student in Hospitality. Mere Apaipo - Top Student in Child Development, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Rosa Armstrong - Top Student in Te Reo Ma ¯ori, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Newel Buenafe - Top Student in Mathematics for Life, Top Student in Sport and Exercise Performance, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Izacc Carr - Top Student in German (German Embassy Prize), Level 3 Award. Tamsin Cartney - Top Student in Music (John Stewart Memorial Prize), Individual Research in Mathematics with Statistics (Ashburton Lions Club Award), Midland Choir Scholarship, University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award.
Briar Clark - Top Student in Foundation Studies, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Ella Clark-Powell - Top Student in Design and Visual Communication, Top Senior Student in Design and Visual Communication (Chilton + Mayne Architecture Ltd Prize and A W Thomson Trophy), Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award.
Hannah Digby - Receiving the most Mihi Pai Awards in Year 13 (Mihi Pai Trophy), Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Zac Douglas - Gateway Award for excellence in the workplace and application to Gateway study, Level 3 Award.
Chloe-Lyn Edwards - Top Student in Tikanga Ma ¯ori, Level 3 Award. E-J Elliott - Top Student in Outdoor Education, Rakirua Trophy for the top all-round achievement by a Maori student in Year 13, University of Otago Ma ¯ori Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Maafala Faamausili - Top Student in Law (Argyle Welsh Finnigan Prize and Mark Gleason Cup), University of Otago Pacific Peoples’ Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Meg Ford - Top Student in Dance - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Olivia Fox - Top Student in Drama, Excellence in Level 3 Philosophy - Online, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award.
Sophie Gibson - Top Student in Physical Education (Ashburton District Council Prize) - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Mia Graham - Top Student in Law and Society, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Maria Hala - Top Student in Te Ao Haka. Izzy Harris - Top Student in General Mathematics (General Mathematics Cup), Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Luke Hay - Top Student in Chemistry (Drummond Memorial Prize and Keith Gunn Cup) - joint award, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Alan Jamieson - Top Student in Tourism.
Dick Layno - Top Student in Materials Technology - Building, AshColl Way Award. Charlotte Livingstone - Top Student in Music Performance, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Iela Mangubat
- Top Student in Business Studies, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Lucy Marshall - Top Student in Physical Education (Ashburton District Council Prize) - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Moana Moore - Spirit of Hospitality Award - joint award, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Talitha Nel - Top Student in Economics (Dave Hyslop Cup) - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Jesse Nieman - Top Student in Japanese (Ton’s Thai Award), Top Student in Digital Information Practical (Heartland Technology Prize), University of Canterbury Outstanding Impact Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Patrizio Novello - Top Student in Automotive, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award.
Lorens Pascor - Top Student in English as an Additional Language (Ashburton District Council Prize), National Heart Foundation Award for a student moving into Health Sciences in a tertiary institution (Mike O’Reilly Memorial Cup and Prize), Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Lorraine Paterson - Top Student in Economics (Dave Hyslop Cup) - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Keisha Power - Top Student in Art
- Painting (Ashburton District Council Prize), Top Student in Art - Creative Design, Top Student in Writing (Pat Stephenson Trophy and Award), Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award.
Ella Rickard - Top Student in Classical Studies, Top Student in Biology (Drummond Memorial Prize and Watson Cup), Top Student in Physics (John Hefford Memorial Prize and John Baird Cup), Top Student in Chemistry (Drummond Memorial Prize and Keith Gunn Cup) - joint award, Top Student in Mathematics with Calculus (Hogg Memorial Prize and Robb Cup), Life Pharmacy Ashburton Cup and Prize for the top overall student studying three Sciences, University of Canterbury Outstanding Impact Scholarship, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Cody Robin - For the student who displays Manaaki towards classmates, Staff and visitors (Janet Walker Manaaki Trophy).
Ruby Robinson - Top Student in Mathematics with Statistics (John Stewart Memorial Prize and Geoff Ackerley Cup) - joint award, Top Student in Accounting (Gabites Ltd Prize), Excellence in Historical Research (Brian Edmondston Prize), Excellence in Level 3 Criminal Minds - Online, Excellence in Level 3 Media Studies - Online, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Emily Rouse - Top Student in Health, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Emily Simons - Top Student in History (John Stewart Memorial Prize and Digby Prosser Cup), Excellence in Level 3 Criminal Minds - Online, Level 3 Excellence Award, AshColl Way Award. Kim Tanagatakino - Spirit of Hospitality Award - joint award.
Leah Thomas - Top Student in Art
- Photography, Registered Music Teachers Award for the Most Dedicated Instrumental Student in the Senior School - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Gabbie Tindall - Top Student in Agricultural Science (Five Star Beef Prize and BNZ Cup), Top Student in Earth and Space Science, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Sophie Trott - Top Student in Materials Technology - Fabrics, Level 3 Award, AshColl Way Award.
Ripena Umaga Vaeila - University of Canterbury Takere Scholarship. Rose Vannini - Top Student in English (Maria Jarman Prize and Cup), Top Student in Mathematics with Statistics (John Stewart Memorial Prize and Geoff Ackerley Cup) - joint award, University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award. Isla Watt - Top Student in Dance - joint award, Level 3 Merit Award, AshColl Way Award.
Special Awards and Scholarships
John Grigg Scholarship Sai Sukumar.
John Bell Memorial Scholarship Sara Sheppard.
Robert Bell Memorial Scholarship Elyse McCallum.
John Lane Scholarship Ella Rickard.
Rosalie Begg Memorial Scholarship Taymah Aiken-Wheeler.
Ashburton Club and MSA Scholarship Ella Rickard.
Turner Memorial Prize for Citizenship Nic Dalgety, E-J Elliott.
TT Ryder Prize for application, cheerful effort and building significantly on her learning Kim Tangatakino.
C H Andrews Prize for Initiative and Enterprise Ella Rickard, Zoe Cribb.
Butterick Memorial Trophy for Scholarship in English and Sporting Endeavour Sophie Gibson.
Ashburton Masonic Lodge Centennial Scholarship Jemma Bent.
Robin Grigg Agriculture and Horticulture Memorial Scholarship Sara Sheppard.
Braided Rivers Community Trust Tertiary Study Scholarships Rosa Armstrong, Tamsin Cartney, E-J Elliott, Izzy Harris, Lucy Marshall, Ella Rickard, Ruby Robinson, Mahalia Scarlett, Emily Simons, Rose Vannini.
NBS Ashburton College Alumni Scholarship Mahalia Scarlett.
Lions of Ashburton County Award for Citizenship and Community Involvement Mahalia Scarlett.
R O McDowell Award for pride in their school and community Lee Tod.
Lions Club of Ashburton Senior Service and Leadership Award Izzy Harris.
R O McDowell Crystal Trophy for character and leadership (presented by the Ashburton High School Centennial Trust) Tamsin Cartney.
Rotary Club of Ashburton and Fooks Memorial Award for prominence in scholarship, leadership and extra-curricular activities Patrizio Novello.
Proxime Accessit (runner-up to the Dux) Rotary Club of Ashburton Scholarship Award Ella Rickard.
Rotary Club of Ashburton Scholarship Award and Ashburton High School Centennial Trust Plaque for the DUX of Ashburton College 2024 Olivia Fox.