Safety crusader recording stop sign runners near Christchurch mall

Think no one notices when you skip that stop sign? Think again, because Wayne Carey does - and he has been keeping tabs on the motorists who do.

The Spreydon resident has been monitoring stop sign runners at intersections on Simeon St near Barrington shopping centre.

He sends the data he collects to police in the hope they will increase patrols in the area.

For the 50 per cent of cars which fail to come to a complete stop, Carey has a simple message: “People have just got to pay attention.

"These are not give ways and they’re there for a reason.”

The 58 year-old moved to his home on Simeon St a year ago and noticed the risky driving around the mall.

“I thought I should do something about this because a lot of retired people live in the area.”

He says the most surprising results were a quarter of all buses and 15 per cent of taxis he has seen dodge the rules.

“What annoys me is you’ve got these professional drivers, which are supposed to get people home safe,” he said.

Carey says only one per cent of the offenders he has recorded stop the second time around.

He has been speaking with police and Christchurch City Council staff to try to find a way to increase safety.

This could include more police patrols to encourage compliance with stop signs and painting yellow lines near corners to increase visibility by stopping cars parking there. 

Carey said a police officer stopped by during his regular surveying at the Athelstan St and Milton St corner on August 6 and 7.

“He gave some warnings and also issued some tickets. He agreed it’s a bad safety issue,” Carey said.