More intersection road works to start this weekend

Work to upgrade another Christchurch intersection is due to begin on Sunday - as a major project continues to disrupt traffic about 1km up the road.

A second package of safety improvements will get under way near The Palms at the intersection of North Parade, Shirley, New Brighton and Marshland Rds on Sunday.

The major project comes as safety upgrades continue at the intersection of Hills Rd, Shirley Rd and Warrington St.

Motorists are being warned to expect more delays as a result of the upgrades.

The Marshland Rd, Shirley Rd, New Brighton Rd and North Parade intersection. Photo: Geoff Sloan
The Marshland Rd, Shirley Rd, New Brighton Rd and North Parade intersection. Photo: Geoff Sloan
Contractors will install permanent raised safe speed platforms on all four approaches in a bid to lower motorists' speeds to about 30km/h.

The work will also include an extended traffic island on New Brighton Rd, the removal of the slip lane from Shirley Rd onto Marshland Rd, and improved pedestrian crossing points with new tactile pavers.

That work is expected to take six weeks to complete.

Christchurch City Council says both junctions are in the top 1 per cent of the city's crash-prone intersections.

Most of the work will be done at night, between 6pm and 6am, to reduce the impact on travellers.

Traffic through the intersection will be reduced to one lane, with a stop/go system in place.

However, work will stop from June 14-17 so contractors can close the Hills Rd, Shirley Rd intersection to install a safe-speed platform.

- By Geoff Sloan, made with the support of NZ On Air