President Kay Don welcomed 21 members and our two guests, vice district governor Derek Wardell and his wife Christine from Oamaru.
We were then entertained by two of our members, Raewyn and Helen, who had put in the effort to learn the art of the sport of fencing.
Fencing is a combat sport, using a sword with the aim of striking an opponent to score points.
We welcomed Joy Langston, who gave us an insight into the way fencing evolved.
The sport began in the 1500s to 1600s in Italy, and was initiated by duels.
Laws were set down at the end of the 1800s, and it is one of only five sports that has been in every Olympics since 1900.
In 1933, electric fencing was introduced, to record total hits in a match more fairly. Full uniforms are worn, with special protection on chest, hands and head.
Often little bruises can result from a stab wound if the sword misses one of these areas.
Our vice district governor spoke of his life before Lions, and the pleasure he gets out of the work he now does in his role.
He congratulated our club on our activities and projects, and encouraged us to stay positive and attract new members.
There are 1.36million Lions worldwide, and the aim is to have 1.5m by 2026.
The collection of old reading glasses is a major project for Lions.
About 10,000 pairs a year are collected, and sent to Tonga and the Pacific, where they are processed and used as required.
Our Lions district has a tree challenge this year, so Derek gave us a white pine to plant in a place we think suitable.
This will grow to over 45m, so with a plaque to signify when it is planted, it will be there for generations to come.
Members had a busy day making the candle holders for the Christmas in the Park candles.
Our Lions Christmas raffle will be at New World on December 1 and again with our cake stall at the market on December 2.
Judy McRae