Open day at Tuhaitara Park


Open day . . . Te Ko ¯haka o Tu ¯haitara Trust rangers Mikaela Woods (left) and Zeta Hawke, work...
Open day . . . Te Ko ¯haka o Tu ¯haitara Trust rangers Mikaela Woods (left) and Zeta Hawke, work on one of the many displays the trust will have at its open day. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
The Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust will be holding an open day based in the Woodend domain on Saturday, March 4.

Ranger Zeta Hawke says their event, showcasing the work they do in the Tuhaitara Coastal Park, will run from 10am till 2pm and is being held in collaboration with Sea Week and Parks Week.

‘‘We will have educational stalls for the community to engage with and others who will be on show include the Styx Living Laboratory Trust, Ashley Rivercare Group and FENZ.’’

They are also be inviting local food and drink vendors, hosting a BBQ, live music, guided walks and planting.

‘‘For the tamariki we will be hiring a bouncy castle and organising some sea themed face painting.’’

She says it should be a fantastic and inspiring day for the community, and will help them to show the hard mahi they all put into preserving and protecting the environment.

Tuhaitara Coastal Park covers about 700ha of land along the coastline from the Waimakariri River mouth to the settlement of Waikuku Beach.

It stretches along the coast for 10.5 kilometres, and comprises many natural features of local, regional and national importance.

The park includes areas of national and regional significance such as the Tutaepatu Lagoon, Taranaki Stream and Saltwater Creek freshwater coastal system, and The Pines Wetland.