Man avoids prison after assault and threats to blow up Beehive

Judge Kevin Phillips told Jason Edward Tier threats like his “bring back memories that this...
Judge Kevin Phillips told Jason Edward Tier threats like his “bring back memories that this country does not wish to remember”. Photo: File image
A man who threatened to blow up the Beehive before shoving his partner’s face into glass a few weeks later has avoided prison time.

Jason Edward Tier was sentenced to nine months home detention at a Christchurch address for numerous charges relating to incidents in April this year.

"In today’s world where people make threats such as you were making here ... the community expects the courts to act promptly and effectively to ensure that such actions as you carried out are very strongly denounced and deterred," Judge Kevin Phillips said.

While under "various stresses and pressures", Tier sent threatening emails to ANZ bank staff and then to staff at mortgage brokers, Mortgage Room.

His last email to the New Zealand Taxpayers Union staff prompted his arrest.

"I can start to murder government workers, problem solved 100 per cent. If they’re not there, they can’t spend it ... I will shoot thousands dead soon. That guy that shot the Muslims is nothing, I will blow up the Beehive,” the message included.

Judge Phillips said threats like that "strike at the heart of our democracy and bring back memories that this country does not wish to remember".

"For you to send an electronic message making the statements you made is abhorrent to most right-thinking people."

While on bail for those matters, Tier got into a verbal argument with his partner while two children were present.

After smashing items around the kitchen with a mop, his eight-year-old daughter moved in front of Tier’s partner to try and protect her, cutting her foot on the glass-covered floor.

It was to no avail. Tier threw a pottle of paint at his partner and threw her to the ground. He then got on top of her and pressed her face into the glass.

Lifting her head by her hair, Tier slammed it into the glass several times, but she was able to manoeuvre her forearm to protect her head.

She managed to get away but Tier found her and the two girls and told them he would kill someone if he was not arrested by police.

While being escorted to the central police station, Tier threatened a female constable that he would rape her and kill her and her family.

In her victim impact statement, Tier’s partner spoke of the mental and physical effects of the assault and said she was scared he would do it again.

Judge Phillips noted Tier’s mental health struggles were exacerbated by his addiction to drugs and life stresses at the time.

Alongside the “serious family violence,” the threats to the officer were specific and an officer doing their job should not need to put up with that type of “obscene frightening threats”, Judge Phillips said.

Judge Phillips accepted Tier did not intend to carry through on any of the threats he made and noted Tier deeply regretted them.