Group sourcing funds for legal fight against Lincoln South subdivision

Photo: File image
Photo: File image
A residents’ group spearheading opposition to the controversial Lincoln South housing development has launched a Givealittle campaign to finance legal action.

Lincoln Voice aims to raise $150,000 to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court after Selwyn district councillors voted to rezone 190ha of rural land to facilitate the Carter Group’s 1700-unit subdivision.

The June 8 decision followed two rounds of public consultation and independent commissioner David Caldwell recommending the district council approve the necessary plan change.

Residents claim the township was not equipped to handle an expansion of that magnitude.

Lincoln Voice, which was established on July 1, has until August 4 to lodge its appeal.

Lincoln Voice member Denise Carrick created the Givealittle page, which proclaims: “Help us protect Lincoln’s Soil & Save our Future” last Wednesday, and embraced the challenge of taking on the district council.

“I’m sure some will think it is an impossible battle but we really want to stand up for the future of our soils, our ability to grow food and our neighbourhood to make sure it is developed in a logical, healthy and sustainable way,” she said.

“The amount of money we are trying to raise may seem enormous but once you start looking into the cost of specialist lawyers and expert witnesses the amounts quickly add up, and we have been warned these cases can be dragged out intentionally to drain our resources and wear us down.”

It was estimated $7000 would be required to prepare and lodge the appeal, while the $150,000 figure should cover legal fees. Any excess funds would be applied to future projects.

By Thursday $4040 had been contributed by 43 donors.