February 4 was the first day for all pupils, from year 1 to 8, to be on site at Te Rōhutu Whio, following learning conferences with teachers held over the previous two days.
“They are very excited, they all came in looking very nervous at the beginning of their learning conferences, and left looking very relaxed and happy,” said principal Kate Morgan.
Morgan said the conferences had been about children telling teachers about themselves and what they wanted to explore.
This fitted in with the facility’s philosophy of being a learning village, encouraging passion-based learning and nurturing the hauora (wellbeing) of each child.
About 20 of the starting pupils are based in the school’s bilingual hub, where they will speak te reo.
This will draw pupils to the school from out of zone, as it is accessible for those meeting criteria.
The school also has a modern hangarau (technology) facility complete with large laser printer, which will be accessed by year 7 and 8 pupils throughout Rolleston.
But the playground is unfinished due to Covid delays keeping equipment in Auckland.
“Teachers are being very creative with their outdoor play,” Morgan said.