'We didn't have a chance to save her': Famous food truck goes up in smoke

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook
It's a food truck known and loved by many in the South Island - but the owner could do little more than stand and watch it go up in flames.

The Truck Norris Texas BBQ team had been at Bob's Cove just south of Queenstown and were heading home when the caravan started smoking.

Within minutes, it was gone.

A Givealittle page has been set up to help owner Matt Pickersgill get the famed food truck back in action after he "lost everything".

Pickersgill explained how the fire happened on the food truck's Facebook page.

"It's with a very heavy heart I share this news," he said.

"We were just out of Bob's Cove 20 minutes South of Queenstown after having an awesome day serving BBQ to 70 beautiful people when the truck started smoking.

"Within 2-3 minutes, the truck was an inferno.

"We didn't even have a chance to save her - we just had enough time to unhitch the Jeep, get space between us and the truck and watch her burn."

Pickersgill said the emergency services were quick to the scene but it was too late.

"Without a doubt one of the saddest moments of my life and right now - I am absolutely gutted.

"To all the people who have booked us over the coming months - my sincerest apologies, I'll be reaching out to you all over the coming days.

"This isn't the end, we will rebuild."

The food truck is well known in the Canterbury area and beyond and is touted as the first American BBQ truck in the South Island.

The remains of the famed food truck. Photo: Facebook
The remains of the famed food truck. Photo: Facebook
Pickersgill custom-built the food truck after multiple trips to America and teaching himself the art of BBQ cooking.

"First set up in Methven, then moving to Queenstown and now Christchurch, Truck Norris is an iconic name, and well respected business in the culinary-truck industry," the website says.

A Givealittle page has been set up to help Pickersgill rebuild.

"Matt has insurance for the truck, but it's capped including catering equipment contents - it's limited insurance," the page states.

"He had catering gigs booked for the next few months, but he's lost everything - not just the truck, but all his catering equipment.

"It's not a case of borrowing a truck, everything he needs to cater an event went up in Smoke at Bob's Cove."

More than $2600 has been donated already.