Citizen science: New app for people to monitor changing coastline

Camera cradles are being set up at Taylors Mistake and the New Brighton Pier. Photo: Newsline / CCC
Camera cradles are being set up at Taylors Mistake and the New Brighton Pier. Photo: Newsline / CCC
A new app aims to get Christchurch residents to collect data on how the coastline is changing due to human activity and natural processes such as storms and rising sea levels.

At two spots along the city’s coastline, three smartphone camera cradles are being installed to encourage people to take part in the CoastSnap community science project.

CoastSnap relies on repeat photos taken at the same location to track how coastlines are changing over time.

"Using a specialised technique known as photogrammetry, CoastSnap turns your photos into valuable coastal data that is used by coastal scientists to understand and forecast how coastlines might change in the coming decades," said Christchurch City Council head of planning and strategic transport David Griffiths.

"We have set up camera cradles at Taylors Mistake and on the New Brighton Pier in the hope that visitors to those locations will take part in the project by taking a photo and sharing it on the CoastSnap app, via Twitter or Instagram, or by emailing

CoastSnap is a global citizen science project to capture our changing coastlines. Image: Google Play
CoastSnap is a global citizen science project to capture our changing coastlines. Image: Google Play
"The beach and dunes at New Brighton and Taylors Mistake are dynamic, natural systems that are constantly changing.

"CoastSnap will help us to better understand how the beaches respond to changes in wave conditions, weather and extreme storm events.

“Every photo that is taken will add to a community database that will be used by scientists and planners to map shoreline changes. That information will help us to improve how we manage treasured coastal environments, so please get snapping.

“There’s a sign at each camera cradle site explaining what you need to do so it is an easy project for people to get involved in," said Griffiths.

The app - which is a joint project involving the city council, Environment Canterbury and Canterbury University - can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.