Safer exit from busy shopping centre awaiting final approval

The right turn out of Barrington shopping centre is set to be cut off in spring and changes will...
The right turn out of Barrington shopping centre is set to be cut off in spring and changes will be made to parking on Barrington St. Photo: Geoff Sloan
The long-awaited removal of the right turn out of Barrington shopping centre onto Barrington St is set to be completed by spring.

The details of the plan will now go to the shopping centre’s management for final approval.

Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board chairwoman Karolin Potter said pending that approval, changes to parking will also be made to improve visibility for turning motorists and those crossing the road.

As well as this, a traffic island near the exit and entry will be widened, she said.

The Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board has been calling for the dangerous turn to be cut off to improve safety for road users for about a decade.

Potter said the exit where the right turn will be removed is frequented by pedestrians, particularly elderly people, who cross the road to get to the shopping centre, Spreydon Library and the playground at Barrington Park.

Said Potter: “For pedestrians, it’s always been really problematic for people who are trying to get across the road to the library knowing that people have got right-hand turns and left-hand turns and they’re concentrating on their turns rather than people who may be walking.”

Photo: Geoff Sloan
Photo: Geoff Sloan
Work to remove the turn has been delayed multiple times, causing frustration for the community board.

The project was anticipated to start early this year and it was originally hoped it would be completed by May last year.

Potter said Spreydon residents have been vocal about the need for the right turn to be removed for some time and they will be relieved this will finally happen.

“The Spreydon neighbourhood network has been active on this issue for at least four years.

“There’s an older community around the Spreydon Library and I think that they’ll be very pleased about this,” she said.

She said more will need to be done to improve safety for pedestrians and motorists near Barrington shopping centre once the right is removed and the community board will discuss this.

A Barrington shopping centre spokesperson was not available for comment.