Nearby residents fought in vain to stop the Roydon Quarry near Templeton. But the go-ahead was granted by an Environment Canterbury and Selwyn District Council hearings panel.
No surprises there, the little guy rarely succeeds in these battles.
But the hearings panel put a number of conditions when granting the consent which included which roads heavy trucks can only use to get to and from the quarry, dust monitoring for health reasons and when quarrying work can take place.
Fulton Hogan, which has as much legal grunt as it needs, has now appealed conditions on the resource consent. This has prompted the city council to get involved on behalf of the Hornby-Halswell-Riccarton Community Board, which is acting for Templeton residents.
The city council looks set to argue against Fulton Hogan’s bid to ease the conditions.
If those conditions are changed to what Fulton Hogan wants it will mean heavy truck movements will happen on roads other than main ones in the area, there will be less monitoring of dust from the site, trucks won’t have to cover their loads and work will be able to happen on Sundays and at night.
So we have two appeal processes in the wind – the resident’s against the resource consent, and Fulton Hogan’s against the conditions of the resource consent.
The lawyers will be happy; people who live near the quarry will be very anxious.