Lockdown haircuts emulate idols

Bubbles across the city have resorted to homemade haircuts, with some using it as an opportunity to emulate their idols.

Jerry Collins. Photo: Getty
Jerry Collins. Photo: Getty
Lewie Kay had his flatmate shave an arrow into his head in a bid to resemble Aang off TV series Avatar: The Last Air Bender, a favourite show of his.

He said while some of his uncles thought his new look was quite funny, his mother was not at all impressed.

"Nobody is going to see it for a few weeks, so I thought why not?" he said.

His flatmate Thomas Gibbons said his idol, former All Black Jerry Collins who died in 2015, inspired him to dye his hair bleach blonde.

"I read that blondes have more fun and I thought now was the perfect time to see if that was the case. But the real reason I did it was for the mince and cheese regrowth because Jerry Collins is my idol," he said.

Lewie Kay ,Thomas Gibbons, Ben Patterson, Stu Campbell.
Lewie Kay ,Thomas Gibbons, Ben Patterson, Stu Campbell.

Buddy Booth gets a fresh bowl cut from his flatmate Thomas Herman
Buddy Booth gets a fresh bowl cut from his flatmate Thomas Herman

Ben Sapsford gives his friend Nick Johnson a trim.
Ben Sapsford gives his friend Nick Johnson a trim.

Nick Johnson is all smiles after his new look.
Nick Johnson is all smiles after his new look.

Josh Sapsford sporting his new bowl cut.
Josh Sapsford sporting his new bowl cut.

Ben Sapsford cuts his brother Josh's hair.
Ben Sapsford cuts his brother Josh's hair.