International kite-fliers from as far away as the Netherlands will be at New Brighton beach to fly kites by world-leading kite manufacturer Peter Lynn Kites, of Ashburton.
Master kite-maker Simon Chinsall will also be at the beach. He has made kites for Hollywood movies like How to Train Your Dragon 2.
Canterbury kite-flying experts Julie Adam and Jim Nicholls will also be on hand to provide advice to people hoping to get their kites airborne.
“Kite Day is a great family event that draws people all across the city to New Brighton for a fun day at the beach," said Christchurch City Council events and arts manager Lucy Blackmore.
"People can fly their own kites or simply sit back and enjoy watching as others try to get their kites soaring on the sea breeze.
“We’re lucky this year to have an international contingent of kite-fliers in the city for kite day so people will get the chance to see some real masters in action.
“There’s also going to be a sandcastle competition and Sport Canterbury is organising beach activities so there’s going to be lots to keep the family entertained throughout the day,’’ Ms Blackmore said.
The New Brighton Silver Band will also be performing at the amphitheatre.
- Deep South Kite Day starts at 11am and runs until 3pm.